The fall 2020 acceptance rate for California Institute of Technology is 8%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Talk to a full range of students at the schools that are of interest. Listen to the things that they like and dislike about their school and evaluate them objectively against the things that the student wants out of the college experience. Along with choosing a school for a good reputation it is almost more important to choose the school where the student will fit the best.
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Describe the students at your school.
Caltech hosts the greatest wealth of brilliant, interesting, crazy, enthusiastic, welcoming and convivial scientists one could ever hope to find building massive structures for parties once on Playboy's list of top events, creating hot tubs or LN2 ice cream on a whim, showing belligerant peace to classmates, or driving to the mountains or the sea when not working harder than they ever thought they could. We're also nerdy as hell and love it.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
The financial aid at Caltech is amazing. I have friends at Stanford who have told me their scholarships and grants are becoming loans as they go from freshman to sophomores, and they tend to start off with more loans. I've also talked to friends at MIT, who say the program is okay, but that they are still going to leave with a significant amount of debt.
I believe the average debt for a Caltech graduate is $5,000. In addition to federal grants, scholarships, and loans, my Caltech grant is almost $30,000, and I know I'm not alone. If you don't think you can afford Caltech, apply anyway, the financial aid offered will supprise you.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
Caltech uses a 'housing' system. There are 8 dorm buildings, each of which is a house with a strong sense of community. In a way, it's like a mixed gender fraternity/sorority, but since everyone is a member of at least one house, they don't all have the party atmosphere. Some howses can be described as more studious, others more athletic, and others more of a party enviornment. Within a house, almost everyone knows everyone else, and people are generally particularly friendly and helpful to members of their own house. Since most people in a house live together, most of your friends are in your house. The housing system also provides a good way to find people if you need help with anything.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
Caltech is a small school with a beautiful campus in Pasadena. The small size and extremely favorable student-faculty ratio of 3-to-1 allows for increased access to opportunities like research in top labs, access to professors, athletics, special funds and scholarships, study abroad, the arts, and travel grants.
Unfortunately, Caltech's name recognition among the average population is surprisingly low. However, as one of the country's top academic and research institutions, Caltech is a very intense and rigorous place. This translates to the education, and as a result many Caltech students work extremely hard and eventually burn out. Furthermore, many Caltech students are top students before they arrive, and therefore they might already be burned out.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Caltech students work hard and work most of the time, but they work in a collaborative environment that reflects the culture in science. The education is geared toward learning and preparing the students for research, but it does give students the skills needed for a job after graudation.
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What's unique about your campus?
The academics, plain and simple. Caltech is second to none when it comes to an education in the sciences. Student to faculty ratio of 3:1. The faculty and classes are amazing; opportunities for research are common. This school demands the best in you academically and you correspondingly receive an amazing education.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Caltech has one of the best reputations of all the colleges in the U.S., so the stereotype is that all students are extremely bright.
Employers and grad schools know that if they pick a Caltech graduate, they will get a very intelligent person, used to working very hard and never giving up.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
In many cases, yes.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
too much work
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
The most academically rigorous school in the country.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
Pat tells us why he chose Wabash despite all the stereotypes associated with an all-male college.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
I would like to see more emphasis on practical studies because most of the coursework trains students for scientific research. I would like to see more emphasis on company co-ops and internship programs.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
You shouldn't attend caltech unless you love math or science wholly and completely. You're going to learn quantum mechanics and differential equations, you're going to spend 20+ hours on homework sets each week for at least some of the classes you have here. You'll be surrounded by brilliant peers who will help you through it and help you define your sense of identity. If you're cutthroat at all you won't be happy here- collaboration is expected and universal and breaking the honor code the only sin.
Premeds, while occasionally happy, are usually not.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
bad, bad teaching; unreasonable exam questions
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What kind of person should attend this school?
This school is ideal for someone who has made up their mind to attend graduate school in a science or engineering related field. They need to be mature and realize what they are getting themselves into.
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What are your classes like?
Michael, a senior double major, tells us about the excellent Wabash academics and sponsored trips around the world.
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What are some hot-button issues on campus?
Since the past semester, there has been a lot of discussion and debate concerning the Gentleman's Rule on campus. Here are students' perspectives on how this rule should and does apply to Wabash.
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Tell us about the sports scene on campus.
A brief glimpse of the most well-known football rivalry in Division III, along with clips and results from this year's Monon Bell game.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
How well the school prepares its students for graduate school.
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