Case Western Reserve University Top Questions

Describe the students at Case Western Reserve University.


Case prides itself on its diversity, but you don't really see it as much as you hear about it. A lot of the students are upper middle class if not flat out rich. I come from a lower middle class background, and I felt like I was sometimes left out of events/activities with my friends because I simply couldn't afford to do things with them.


Case is extremely LGBT friendly. The only type of student who would feel out of place at Case is somebody who's attached to home or their high school. When you come to Case, you have to totally start anew. People who go home every weekend to watch their old high school football games and hang out with their high school friends tend to be unhappy at Case because they haven't really moved on with their lives at all.


I cannot write accurately on Case's student body, being such an outsider from the norm. What I can say is that the greatest, most absorbing, and most common activities on this campus are studying, complaining, and intoxication; the last two being caused by the first. In all other respects we are quite average. We have our share of trust fund kids, a good collection of sports fans, an assortment of visionaries, and enough alcoholics to support the Heineken Corporation for the next twenty years. All social, economic, and political classes are well represented, but we are all connected by the singular, desperate dream that Case flogs into us from the moment it breaks our spirit, as it inevitably does: after four years of this, a normal life sounds like paradise.


Too many people here live in little hazes of sameness and overwork. Though this is an extremely diverse campus with a truly interesting student body, many of the cliques are based on ethnicity and major, both of which can potentially form the whole core of a student's extracurricular and social life, a rather sad though understandable fact.


The campus is pretty diverse, but it could be better. There is a strong LGBT community, many religious and cultural groups, as well as many academic groups. Students are pretty laid back. There are some weeks where the work load is so intense, students care less about what they look like. The campus isn't too divided among social groups. Often, Case students appear to be apathetic about many issues, but when something comes up, students really stand up for what they believe.


I dig the diversity. Dumb jocks and witchy girls would feel out of place. Yeah, the whole Uppity Collar-Popping high class people wouldn't feel comfortable around all of these down-to-earth folk. One table is a fraternity, another is the football team, and the rest are just the rest of the badass student body. Most Case students are from the Cleveland/Ohio, a shiz-ton. I'm running out of time so I might not be as funny or clever anymore. Very left politically. Obama '08! Luckily, only a few kids I've talked to really discuss future salaries.


There are a million groups on campus to get involved with. All it takes is an open mind and a few hours of free time. I think that students who want to get involved have a great time at Case and really start to feel at home and passionate about the school. Students who want everything handed to them will never like it and will be the students who complain all the time about what everyone else does. Case offers a great financial aid package so there are all types of financial backgrounds represented. Students are very politically aware-- in 2004, the Vice presidential debates were held on campus and we had a presidential debate right down the street from us this year.


The student body is mostly made up of geeks and the mercy-accepted athletes who are here because somebody thinks they will help Case teams start to win (they don't), and a few normal people. There are LOTS of asian and indian students, quite a few gay ones, and a fair number of religious nuts. There are vast differences in socio-economic backgrounds here, ranging from the poorer kids who get lots of scholarship money (Case gives a lot of merit aid, which is why a lot of kids come here) to the rich kids who didn't get into their first-choice Ivy League schools. I would say there's a lot of interaction between groups, except for the international students and the black kids who both pretty much just hang out by themselves. I don't know why. Kids here think they are liberal, but mostly they're just completely apathetic. Overall, the attitude here is mostly focused on getting through school and starting to earn money, not enjoying the ride.


Nerds... and some cool people. Viral sucks, but I like Xixi.


The student body is amazingly diverse. There are people of all different races, religions, political, and religious beliefs. You can easily find a niche if you put your mind to it. Most students are from Ohio, however there are many people from New England too. Of course there are people who are all the way from California or even Thailand. The student body is very mixed.