case is a pretty diverse campus. because it's such a big pre-med school there are extra asian and indian students, but all racial groups are represented. there are religious groups that i know of for protestant, catholic, mormon, and orthodox christian students as well as for jewish, muslim, and skeptic students. i'm sure there are others that i'm forgetting. the majority of students here are from upper-middle-class or higher families.
When your at Case, you are racking up a lot of student loans, so we all talk about how we want to make it big and get rich some day. I think the kids that would feel out of place at Case are the kids that refuse to go out of their way to find friends. It's not hard to find friends at Case, I have about 6 different major friend groups, and that leads me to more friend groups, and now I know about 2/3 of the campus. If you live on your computer, Case may seem like the nerd haven that you've been waiting for, but it's not. 1/3 of the population is Greek, another 1/3 is involved in special interest groups, and the last 1/3, the 1/3 I don't know, are those that live in virtual reality. If that's how they want to live life that's fine, they don't bother people and we don't bother them.
There are the usual stereotypes. There are probably less countercultural types. There are a lot more "asians" and "indians". Everyone is pretty liberal-minded (except for the econ majors, of course). Most people wear comfortable clothes, with little variety from person to person. There are a few people who dress like trendsetters...indie rock. People come from a variety of places here. Financially, everyone has to be pretty well off. I'd say everyone is either middle class or has a free ride because their parents work here. A lot of people I run into are strong in their opinions and sometimes this makes them come off like jerks. But I don't really think that makes them jerks. They're just a lot more opinionated (and equally informed) as most college kids. There's definitely something refreshing about a lot of them people here when I mentally go back 4 years and compare them with my friends from other schools or especially those who didn't go to college.
Not terribly diverse, unless Indians and Asians constitute diversity. Big religious presence in undergraduate student groups. Very casual campus, unless there is a presentation where people tend to go all out and get very uptight.
Case's student body is very diverse and generally a nuce group. Some stay in their rooms and study all the time, and some make time for fun. College is what you make of it everywhere, and Case is no exception.
I think this campus is fairly liberal. At least from what I've noticed. Of course, there are the highly conservatives too. I think everyone fits in somewhere on campus here. There's the jocks, nerds, art, and music "types" here.
More recently there has been some anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish sentiments on campus (I notice since I am in a Jewish fraternity), but beyond this, the students are overall friendly, but most students are "fake". Most students here put on their happy face while behind the smile they are plotting on how to screw you out of a job that they want. There are more resume builders here than can possibly be thought to exist at a school.
Its pretty diverse. More or less... If you are a Stalinist transgendered radical, Case is very welcoming. If you are a Jew, you may have your door beat open in the middle of the night, only to be beaten with a baseball bat.
You can have a discussion about almost anything with anyone here at Case. There have been times when I have been in a room of engineers, classics majors, political scientists, business majors, and we have all been listening to Vivaldi and discussing ancient Greek theater. Then, thirty minutes later, the same group will go and party.
Students are mostly white, upper-middle class. There are some middle class and some upper class, but very fewer lower class. There are also a ton of Asians, and then the next most represented demographic is middle eastern (a very distant third - students from Syria, Lebanon, Jordan etc).
The campus is generally apolitical, but in conversations most students will be left leaning. I'd like to stress the apolitical part again though - politics are not a big deal here at case. The only vocal political organization are the Case Libertarians. They are very outspoken and very present.
Students are generally far more introverted at Case than elsewhere. That's the binding characteristic.
Case has a variety of people and moderate leanings. There are just as many religious groups as LGBT groups on campus. Neithr are very prominant though as most people tend to stay in the middle of the political spectrum. I have many friends in both groups and neither provoke each other. Most students are focused on their work more than anything else. There is a decent size Indian and Asian student body, however the African American student body is pretty small. Students are jeans and T-shirts people. A lot of stuendents come from the middle class, although you get a range of students since Case gives great financial aid. Students tend to make friends with people in their academic department or residence hall since those are the people they see most. Although, there are not really distinct cliques, people divide themselves into three types. Those that are very social and party people who are miserable here, those who are social but enjoy Cases quieter party scene, and those that are anti-social and play nothing but video games. Most students do not care about being super rich as the do about being intellectually versed. And we all share the bond of being a poor college student.