The students, in general, are liberal and open to discussion of ideas. That doesn't mean that conservatives would feel out of place - well, just the closed minded ones.
In terms of personalities, the pre-meds are probably the most career oriented lot. They will compare scores within tenths of a percentage, claiming that only the higher one will get into med school. The math majors argue with logic, similar to how they would prove by contradiction a statement in one of their classes. Chemistry and engineers will talk about labs or physics, respectively, and the physics majors will try to sum up many laws.
Despite these differences, the Case students all look the same. Jeans or shorts, hoodie, sweatshirt, jacket or T-shirt. Those are all common in the middle of February. Everyone wears what they need to to survive Cleveland's unpredictability.
There is a group for everyone, but interaction between groups often times is lacking. There are also many groups that ultimately serve the same purpose (pre-med and cultural groups for example). There is a large percentage of students who are of Asian descent as well as white. Gender is evenly split. Politically the left is more active and aggressive than the right and much more visible on campus. Most students are from middle to upper class families. In general the different colleges are isolated from one another with the nursing school being almost completely independent. Engineers have the most demanding work load, followed by the Science majors. Liberal Arts majors and Business majors like to feel important but typically are a joke.
The campus is very diverse and has many different racial, religious, LGBT, and other types of groups on campus. The only type of student that I think would be out of place here is someone that wants to be in school just for the social aspects, if they aren't here to learn then they will be out of place. Students usually were jeans and tee - shirts, sometimes sweats and sometimes they dress up. All types of students interact with each other, usually it will be the people in your classes or that you live with. I don't think that there would be four different tables in the dinning hall, I think they would all have the same mix of people. Our students come from all over the United States and from other countries as well. I don't know the financial back ground of other students here, its never really been brought up. Some students are politically active, but most students are accepting of other views and will not bring up there own beliefs unless questions. Some times students will talk about how much they think they'll earn - we all like to think that one day we'll be rich.
Case is very diverse in terms of religion and ethnicity - however I feel like due to the fact that most students are from the general area, there isn't much diversity in socio-economic class. Most everyone is from lower-middle class and middle-class backgrounds. A student from upper-middle class and upper-class would feel out of place at Case unless the demographics of the school change.
Most students do not put as much into their physical appearance as they put into their schoolwork. Most people wear ill-fitting jeans and generic give-away type t-shirts to class. This has changed over recent years a little bit, as the younger students seem to be more chic and have more fashion sense.
Lots of different types of students interact - Case is very big on tolerance, and considering how sheltered most students are before they get to Case - I think they do very well.
Since I grew up in a Blue State close to New York City I found a lot of people at Case to be "crazy-christians" or Religious Right. There are too many people at Case like that for my liking.
Most students do not seem financially ambitious
-Racial Body: Verry diverse -> Have just about everything across the board
-Out of Place: Person looking for typical/state-school college campus social experience
-Most Students: Not the latest fashion; anything
-Different Types of Students tend to NOT interact outside of classroom
-Most students: Cleveland/Ohio area
-Financial backgrounds: Everyone has been given some merit/needed aid
-Politically aware?: Can be/Is a strong mix between left, right, and center
-Students do talk about how much they will earn
There is a great diversity of students on the Case campus. I've learned so much about other cultures through me short time on campus and it really excites me to learn about all these different cultures and religions. No one really feels out of place hear because there are so many different religious and social groups. If you can't find a group that you like, then you can start your own! Most Case students are from out of Ohio and come from all over the country and the world. Most students come from financially well off families, but there are so many different financial aid packages available, that almost any hard working student can make it into Case. Students are very tolerant of other beliefs and religions and everyone's opinion is respected. People are very open and accepting of different ideas.
Students mostly wear jeans/sweatpants and sweatshirts or a nicer shirt to class. If it's nice out, more girls will dress up, but for the most part, it's a casual campus. The four tables in the dining hall are probably divided by dorm. The sports teams eat together a lot because of their schedules. Most Case students are from Ohio, Pittsburgh, or Buffalo area. Us East-Coasters aren't always comfortable in this midwestern environment. Most are middle class, but on scholarship. Students are somewhat politically aware, and most are left. There is a sold group of conservative students, but they tend not to be very active.
Case's Student body is fairly diverse. I've interacted with different racial and religious backgrounds. I feel a liberal arts student would feel out of place at Case. Most students wear t-shirt and jeans to class. Most students interact predominantly with similar students, but interaction does occur. Most Case students are from Ohio or Pennsylvania. Most financial backgrounds are middle class. Some students are politically aware and active. These students cover a wide range of political views. Overall, the student population is more moderate than expected. Students really don't talk seriously about much they will make one day.
While these groups usually are not an issue, I really don't like it when people try to hand me condoms and flaunt homosexuality around, like Spectrum does. I do believe in treating all people with respect regardless of whether or not have respect for their choices, but I just don't want to hear about it all of the time. I deal with issues like this on a personal basis if necessary and don't like "tolerence" rammed down my throat. As far as condoms are concerned, I have no control over what choices people make and it is s free country, but I certainly hope Case isn't using MY tuition money to purchase them so people can fornicate risk-free. I know they probably don't cost much, but it's the principle of the thing. I think a studemt who is really strict and tight-laced might have problems here with the issues outlined above, along with the prevalence of drinking. Most students wear jeans and t-shirts to class, much like in my high school. I think clothing is basically a non-issue and Case students aren't shallow enough to make it an issue. The four tables in the dining hall are made up of Case students, Case students, Case students, and Case students. While there may be different groups of friends, we don't really have cliques, as most of us were in the same clique in high school. I would say that the similarities amongst Case students far outnumber the differences. Most Case students come from middle or upper class financial backgrounds because $44,000 a year is prohibitably expensive. Politically, most humanities majors lean left and most engineers lean right. I would say that Case's university policies sound particularly liberal, but Case students themselves have a wide range of different political opinions.
Case has a pretty diverse student population. All are welcome.
Most students wear avg. clothing, tshirts, jeans, sweatshirts, etc. Nothing too fancy.
Different types of students interact, yes, but a lot of groups are cliquey.
Four Tables: Stereotypical, antisocial Case Nerds, Jocks/sports teams, average students, CIA/CIM students.
Most case students are from the MIdwest, Pa, Mi, OH, IL, IN, WI.
Lower middle to lower upper class are most predominant; tuition is high, people have to be wealthier to afford it.
Yes, many students are politically aware, some are active. Many vote.
Predominantly Left or center.
Some students do talk about potential salary, most talk about grad/post secondary school.