Case Western Reserve University Top Questions

Describe the students at Case Western Reserve University.


The most out of place students at Case are the liberal arts majors. They seem out of place among the engineers and science majors, but are actually well received. Engineers may gripe about how easy hte english major may have it, but it seems that all students here are very polite and well-mannered enough to never bash other students, at least to their faces (unlike some professors I have seen do that). The appearal is very relaxed. Sweats and PJ's are common. You will still see some students trying to be professional all the time, but they are just putting on a show. Most Case students are from Ohio. I am from PA and I know a good number of others in the same situation. Case is very good about giving financial aid to students so there is a wide variety of students to attend Case. They want your mind to make them better and in turn give you back a lot of the money if you don't have it.