Central Michigan University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Greek life is AMAZING!! I would recommend anyone to get involved in it!! Sigma Kappa is where it's at!


Greek organizations would probably be the most popular. We have lots of sisterhoods, philanthropic events, socials, and fundraisers. Our athletic events are not very popular, the only athletic event people attend is football and sometimes we can't even get enough people to go to the game for attendance purposes for the MAC. Greek Life usually requires us to attend some speakers on campus and they usually turn out to be worth while. The hangouts up here are the bars. We have a downtown area that has a bunch of cute bars then we have O'kellys. Especially since I just turned 21, on any given night my friends and I will be at a different bar. A lot of people hang around main street as well. If we don't drink on a saturday usually we will just hangout at our house and play rock band, or go to the movies.


Many of the students who live in the dorms leave their doors open so that they can have the chance to interact with the people who live on their floor or in the building. I think that it is a good way to get to know people or to just say hello. One of the most popular things to do on campus is to go to the athletic events and to guest speakers when they are here. We love to show our school spirit and support out athletes in any way that we can. We also love when guest speakers come because it gives us a chance to learn about ourselves and others and issues that the world is facing right now.


I am involved in a social sorority, Sigma Sigma Sigma. Going greek was the best decision of my life, I don't know what I would do without my sisters. I know that all greeks say that but it is so true. We do so much stuff for the community such as raising money, raking leaves, collecting teddy bears for our annual teddy bear drive. We also participate in other fraternity and sororities philanthropic events, such as Lambda Chi Alpha's taco dinner, or ladies night, delta zeta's pancake breakfast...the list goes on. I met my closest friends through the sorority, you spend a lot of time with other greeks and you just have the time of your life. I came to college wanting to make friends and I'm leaving with the best ones of my life. When I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday there are so many things that I could be doing. One, working, two hanging out with friends, three at the bar, or four relaxing wiht my roomates having heart to hearts or laughing hystarically at some silly story. Getting involved in something on campus is the most important thing to do in college because otherwise you will get sucked into probably partying a lot. By getting involved you will have options to do on a Saturday night other than a party. You will meet people that are just like you with the same interests, you may go on trips, or particpate in volunteer activities. Getting involved and staying involved is my biggest advice for an incoming freshmen, you don't realize how important it is to stay busy because otherwise you will get yourself in trouble.


I love the social life at Central. If you walk through a dorm at night, you are more than likely to find almost every door open and students interacting. Althletic events, speakers, and other programs are very popular because they are free of charge to any central student. Most people meet their new friends through living with them or being apart of the same group/organization. I am a part of the Delta Zeta sorority and I'll be honestly when I say that sororities and fraternities are not very important to those on our campus. Only about 3-8{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of our campus is greek.. and what most people dont know is that we contribute to over 70{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the money raised for the community. Most people think of us as just a bunch of people who party and don't realize how much we do for the community, or that we have to maintian a certian GPA and do study hours, or that we have socials with other groups to meet people who may not be the same as us and learn from them. We are extremely overlooked.


Our greek i feel is one of the best in Michigan, its quite large, no hazing laws are strictly enforced and we have a chapter in my eyes that fits everyone. I also am involved with the volunteer center and love it. I also am in a few different Leadership activities in which are advancing me too.


Greek life is the greatest! It's a nice connection and a great way to know people. Sorority life leads to lifelong friendship and a home away from home. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made!


Sororities, fraternities and sports are the most popular groups on campus. I am a part of Delta Zeta and it has been an amazing experience being a part of this group. It has introduced me to many people and leadership opportunities. Some students leave their doors open in the dorms but not all. The athletic events are not that popular. Most people date people that they met at a party or at the bar. I met my closest friends through Delta Zeta. People party all the time. On a Saturday you could go bowling or to the movies for activities that do not involve drinking.


I think that all of the on campus organizations are good because they get people involved and help build freindships and connections for life.


greek life is very popular on this campus. being part of a sorority, i think it is one of the best ways to get involved at cmu. there are certain nights that everyone goes out and has fun...tues, thursdays and the weekend. people party quite a bit and have fun.