College of Charleston Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I met most of my closest friends from my dorm or from keeping up with people after orientation. I am involved in Alternative Spring Break which is where students plan and lead service trips for spring break and I have met a lot of my friends through that as well. I tend to go out just on Friday and Saturday but there is always something going on Thursday night. Charleston is definitely a bar city so as I more of my friends have gotten older it is harder to go out without a fake ID but there are always parties going on. The ratio of guys that are in fraternities is pretty large but for girls I think it is less important to be in a sorority. I have friends that are in sororities and not and it doesn't seem to matter too much for the social life. The dating scene on campus is a little harder if you are not in a sorority however since there aren't that many guys to begin with and a majority of guys are in fraternities.


I can't really tell you about the most popular groups or ogranizations on campus because I don't know of many. Although its obviously not as big here then at state schools, but there is a decent population of greek life and they are constantly holding events and fundraiser activities for charity. This isn't the kind of school though where if you aren't in a frat or sorority you feel like an outcast. Athletic events as a I said earlier are pretty weak. The most popular are basketball and baseball games, but still only a handful of kids go to those on a regular basis. To kind of sum up the dating scene: You go to a friends keg party or a bar, start talking and keep drinking, and hook up with a girl. Occasionally the people will actually get along and start dating, otherwise its the same thing the next night. Saturday nights here that don't involve drinking are probably typical to everywhere else, bowling, movies, or just hanging out. I'll go off campus a decent amount because there are a lot of good restaurants, malls/shopping centers, and a boat load of golf courses. Most kids here though don't even bring cars because you can pretty much find anything you need in downtown Charleston with in walking distance.


CAB- (Cougar activities board) has neat things to do. I am in a sorority on campus and really enjoy it. I've found that sororities are more laid back and not as strict as some schools. I went to a guest speaker on the female orgasm and i thought it was halarous and really interesting. There is definately 3 girls to 1 guy down here. I met my closest friends through my sorority and who i lived with in my dorm. The basketball games are a pretty big deal. One fun thing I did was go to probates. I thought they were really fun and interesting.


There's a lot of sororities on campus. I don't live on campus so I can't really say anything about it.


Life on campus is fast and fun, even if you just like staying indoors. There are always events going on that cover everyones taste. Life in the dorms are fun and trust me when I say this; everyone is shy in the start. Each person will not know a single other person and they will open up to you the moment you say hello. The first few weeks, all the doors are left open so that people can stop by.


C of C is known as a party school. and its true, there is a party going on just about every night. But the kids who party every night, normally don't last to long. haha. Its a different scene every night. and then you have campus events that take place. Every Wednesday night there is a movie playing that isnt' out on DVD yet. and before exams, they have a midnight breakfast where you get to do things like build a bear, make wax hands, various things to release the stress. Frats and Sororities aren't all that important. It may seem like alot of people are in them, but they really aren't all that predominant on the campus. They throw parties, that's about it. Saturday nights can be occupied in so many ways. I mean really, the college is in Charleston... you can find just about anything you want to do there.


Just as with the student body, the activities are diverse. While the majority of organizations are Greek fraternity/sorority houses, there are quite a number of major/religious/political/ethnic/miscellaneous activities to satisfy everyone's interest. There's bound to be an organization for everyone, and if someone feels left out, that's because he or she haven't been proactive in seeking a group that meshes well with him or her. And even if pro-activeness isn't successful, there's always encouragement to create one's own organization. While the number of activities are limitless, the one hindrance is the dating scene. Fortunately for guys, and unfortunately for girls, the ratio of guys to girls is disproportionate, as the girls outnumber the guys.


The most popular organizations seem to be the greek social organizations. Basketball is the most prominent sport at CofC. There are about three or four mainstage (professor-run) productions per semester and two to three centerstage (student-run) productions per semester. If I'm up at 2am on a Tuesday, I am most likely studying.


There are tons of organizations to get involved in and lots of ways to volunteer, which looks great on applications and transcripts! Also, Greek Life is great, but it's not a do-or-die. Less than half of the students do Greek Life so you don't HAVE to be in a sorority/fraternity to be involved and have fun.


I have loved being involved in greek life! It has made me feel a part of something and welcome from day 1. Not to mention, I have met some of the most amazing people as a result!