Alot of students are very involved in defferent organizations. Many girls are involved in Greek life but not as many guys. I think alot of our student body has a good balance between a happening social life and studying.
There's a decent amount of people involved in Greek life, but its not something you have to do to have fun. Berry girls DON'T leave their doors open so that sucks, but some of the other dorms, like Buist and Liberty, do. People tend to not actually date- they either hook up with different people continually or they start hooking up and then almost move in together. That's an easy problem to fix though if a few people started trying to date around. I met my closest friends at orientation and through my sorority! Graduation is the best tradition- on the Cistern and everyone wears white.
social life is AMAZING because it's downtown and tons of fun. greek mixers are in clubs or bars downtown. dating is great for guys but harder for girls, but the citadel nearby makes up for the lack of male population.
I think Greek Life is pretty popular on campus. While a lot of students are involved in Greek Life it's not the majority of the student body. While I think we have an amazing Greek system, it's not like other schools where it's Greek or Geek and you have to go Greek to have something to do. I'm in a sorority and I have a number of friends that I've met outside of Greek life and I participate in other activities that aren't associated with Greek Life. My sorority did give me my closest friends and kept me from transferring my freshman year. I had a really hard time meeting people my freshman year because I lived in McAlister and students don't leave their doors open in that dorm. I think in Berry and McConnell students are more inclined to leave their doors open because their doors don't open to the outside. There isn't much of a dating scene at CofC. It's more about hooking up. I think this is in large part due to the girl to guy ratio and that guy's know the odds are in their favor so if they aren't getting what they want from one girl they can just go down the hall and get it from their neighbor. If you want to party 7 nights a week, you can find one. Most people I know don't, but if you really want to go out every single night you can find something to do. One tradition that I look forward to every year is pep supper. On a Saturday night if you don't feel like drinking, you can go to a movie.
Athletic events are fairly popular. Greek life isn't as big here as some campuses, but they are definately the most active organizations on campus. The guy to girl ratio isn't great for girls who are looking to date and there is also the Citadel in Charleston so you get this CofC guy vs. Citadel rival even though they don't know eachother. There is a lot of partying and going to the downtown bars. Ecspecially Thursday nights and the weekends. If you don't want to drink, there are great restaurants, movie theaters, and people just hang out in the dorms or at houses.
The most popular organizations are the sororities, namely ADPi and Tri Delt. I'm in Phi Mu and I love all the girls in it, but it's not as popular as the other sororities. Students in the Honors Dorm that i live in do not leave their doors open. From what I've heard, the dating scene is pretty awful - a lot of one night stands and cheating. I've been with my boyfriend for a year a half with no problems though, so a long term relationship is definitely possible here. People party hard here, a lot of alcohol especially. If i'm awake at 2AM on a tuesday, it's because i'm doing homework. A lot of people go out on weekdays but not everyone.
The most popular groups/organizations on campus are Greek Life and SGA. That is in my opinion. As said before I am involved in Greek Life. I am a member of Sigma Delta Tau. There are not many dorms in which students are able to leave their doors open. The rooms are so spread apart that it makes it impossible to leave their doors open. Athletic events are not as popular as they are at bigger schools. I believe the school is doing their best to make it a big part of the school. Guest Speakers seem to be visiting a lot. We've had John Edwards and Barack Obama, and more. Of course, theater is a big part of the school. We are a liberal arts school. I met my closest friends by joining my sorority. In my opinion there is no dating scene. There aren't enough guys, it's upsetting. :( If i am awake at 2am on a Tuesday, personally I am doing homework or about to go to sleep. For others, they are out partying. There are a lot of fairs that happen in Charleston at Marion Square. We have had the Wild Life Expo, Fashion Week, etc. Partying seems to happen almost every night except for during finals and midterms. Instead of drinking on a Saturday night, there is also plays usually going on or you could just stay in. There is not much I do off campus besides grocery shopping or visiting my family.
Different dorms have different reputations as far as like friendliness - for example, in Rivers one of the Honors dorms, students tend to keep to themselves or stick with their close friends. But in College Lodge or McConnell, everyone leaves their doors open, everyone hangs out, and there seems to be more of a community atmosphere.
Greek Life plays a large part in and around campus. We raise a lot of money for our philanthropies. However, there are activities for everyone. If the activity that you are interested in is not offered, you can start a club or found a team. On the weekends, people typically go to the beach if it is warm enough or walk around downtown. There is something to do all the time, whether its walk to the battery, go to a basketball (which is the big the sport), or go to the outlet mall in North Charleston. Our campus is a block off King Street, and a few blocks from Market Street, which are the main hot spots in downtown Charleston. The CofC campus has boundaries that are determined by a brick sidewalk, but it does overflow into the city which makes it more fun and eventful.
A lot of house parties on the weekends. The dorms have a lot of drinking, as do off campus houses. Most people live off campus after freshman year.