College of Charleston Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Social life is incredible! Music Farm downtown.. Beaches surrounding Chas.. Incredible restaurants.. Shoppes for every taste.. Historical sights.. I would reccommend including pictures or something of Marion Square and the activies that all the student are involved with, volleyball, fresbee, lacrosse, tanning, reading, studying..everything


There is always something to do here. The nightlife is great but so is everything else. There is plenty to do for drinkers and non-drinkers.


The popular groups on campus are the sororities, faternities, leadership center, cougar activies (major popular). We had twister the rapper to come and give us a personal concert. We had the ying yang twins too. Students in dorms do not leave their dorms open. The police safety here is strongly enforced. If I am awake 2am on a Tuesday then i am either A) coming from a bar/club or B) coming from the library. There is a lot of shopping going to. We have the latest fashion stores, and boutiques!


While there are plenty of students in fraternities and sororites, if your not part of one you are not left out. When I talk to friends from other schools they make seem like that is all that is going on at thier school, but in CofC the majority of students are not part of greek life. It is very rare to not be able to find a party are something to do any night of the week in Charleston. While I have not been personaly involved in many student activities there are always flyers all over campus of fun things you can do. They show free movies, have interesting guest speakers, and have a program that gets students together on the weekend for non-alcoholic fun.


Greek life is not large here, but we are a tight knit group. I love the fact that there are socials/mixers almost every week, fund raising events, and just general hanging out. I thought it would not be for me, but it is AMAZING how well it worked out. I say give it a shot even if you are completely against it. The Greek life here is 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} different from anywhere else. I met my closest friend that way, and I never would have changed it. We all stay here on the weekends and hang out at the beach, pool, or shop. We all go out to eat at nights and out afterwards. Greek life has been the best thing I ever could have participated in. It also led me to join other clubs and become active.


The most popular organizations on campus is Greek Life. Students in dorms do leave their doors open sometimes only when they are in the room so others can walk in and talk or introduce themselves. If I am awake at 2 am on a Tuesday morning, I'm probably trying to study in the library or watching tv getting ready to go to sleep. People party quite often, and if you have a roommate or suitemate that parties a lot and has people over all the time at late hours in the night, you need to have a talk with them as soon as possible and set the rules straight. If not--it will continue for the rest of the semester and things wont go good between the relationship of the two.


CAB is great! They always have something going on and I love the they're free! There's always stuff going on on and off campus put on by the college. Greek life is kind of big on campus, but you won't be left out if you decide not to join one. CofC is a party school there's no denying that, but students quickly realize how fast grades will drop and most students find the right amount of time to study and party. I met my best friends through housing and we now live off campus. Plus it's nice since CofC is mainly female to have the Citadel which is mainly male only a few mins away!


There's CAB, the Campus Activity Board, which plans all these events (like Game Show Night) where they give out prizes. This year at the game show they gave away 6 bikes, a $250 spa treatment, an Xbox 360, an iTouch, an iNano, and some As Seen On TV prizes.


People part a lot here. Sports aren't very big here, we don't even have a football team. Like music is a big deal, which is really fun! Most people do things off campus.


People party at least 3 days a week. There are a lot of house partys. Most are kind of boring with a lot of beer pong being played. The clubs and bars are pretty mainstream, nothing very unique and interesting. There is some theater however for movies, there is no cinema downtown so you need a car to go the the cinema.