All races should feel in place. Most wear casual clothes jogging clothes, or jeans and tees. Most students are from colorado. Some are politically aware/ active but I would say most freshman are not.
coming from a diffrent country it is suprising how many groups are there on campus. pants and shirts, yes they interact, colorado, low income students, not alot mostly care about studying on politics.
Anyone that is not white feels a little out of place at CSU. No one has ever said or done anything racist to my face. However, I have had plenty of people put things on my desk, rather then hand them to me for fear of touching my hand.
Girls dress amazing first couple weeks of class, pretty relaxed after that. Not an extremely diverse campus from what I noticed.
I have not had a large experience with groups on campus. Older transfer or transfer students. They were comfortable clothing. Not really unless they are forced/requested to step outside their comfort zone. One table is a few art students hovering closely to their ipods. Another is a table of athletic boys ranting and laughing about how "fucked" up they got that weekend or the night before. There are two tables with just one person at them reading and trying to mind their own buisness.
Since the school is so large, there are so many opportunities to become parts of groups so that you don't feel out of place at CSU. There are constantly events that are held by the minority student groups on campus, and they are open for everyone and strong encouraged. I think all students have the opportunity to find a place on campus, it just is a matter of trying. What students wear to class is dependent on the college you are in. In the College of Business students dress pretty nicely, and it is very common to see someone in a suit. As for other departments/colleges I notice people wearing sweatpants and pajamas everyday. Just a matter of different cultures. There are certain segments that are very politically active/aware, but they are definitely the minority. College of business students DEFINITELY talk about how much they'll earn one day.
I think there is not enough diversity at this school. This school needs to grow demographicly. The town is changing that is not helping that cause. I personally don't feel out of place talking to just about anyone, but its seems a lot of students don;t feel the same way.
I do not have that much association with clubs on campus. Most CSU students are from Colorado but also Chicago and east coast.
I think that racial groups get too much attention. I dont think anyone would feel out of place. Students where everything to class nothing specific. I see different types of students interact. Most CSU students are from Colorado. You see tables of athletes, people in the same class, same major, etc. Most financial backgrounds are middle class. Yes students are politically aware and active. I talk about how much I wish to earn one day.
The student body as a whole is very welcoming, however, diversity lacks incredibly. As a Jewish student, however, I dont feel left out. Hillel is my home and it gives me a voice on campus. Our holocaust programs this year alone attracted over two thousand people.