I think that most of the student body is really friends and accepting of all of the other students...I would call the majority of the people that go here, middle to upper class. I don't really have a reason why, I just get that vibe from everyone.
We have a lot of student groups on campus, and they tell you they have one for every student, but most of them don't advertise that they are even on campus at all. They hold meetings once a month maybe, so if you can't make it ti their times schedued, you are just out of luck. Which totally sucks if you want to do something besides greek life, student government, or student media.
The student body is pretty diverse, but when they match you up for your roomate your freshman year, they keep you pretty divided. It makes for a great roomate arrangement and you get along with your floor, but you are pretty much the same sort of people.
I feel they try to make everyone welcome. it is not anti LGBT, and its not pro LGBT, its just average. people do what they want and are welcome to their own opinions.
CSU's student body is primarily white, middle-to-upper class, straight students. Most of America's majorities are reflected at CSU.
Ethnic minorities, homosexuals, and religious minorites might feel out of place at CSU.
Most students wear jeans, hoodies, or sweats to class.
Different types of students rarely interact, unless required to for class.
Most CSU students are from Colorado. There's also a large collection from Texas and, judging from various license plates, New Mexico.
About half of the students are working to put themselves through college, although they have sufficient aid from family members if they need it, and the other half's parents are footing the bills.
Some students are politically aware and active, but a large percentage are either apathetic or uneducated on the subject. Predominantly left and moderate, although right-wingers are not unaccounted for.
Students FREQUENTLY talk about how much they'll earn one day.
The student body overall is sweet. I meant there are always those people who piss you off or whatever but that happens all over the world. We try to help each other out and to do what is best for CSU in my opinion.
too many skaters. get in the way of everyone else, and make it difficult for others to get through.
CSU is a very diverse university. I see students of all types and i am actually very surprised at how racially diverse it is. I see european, asian, african, south american, etc students every day. I feel like a majority of the students are from Colorado but i have seen an incredible amount of middle eastern students. There are all types of groups and classifying the clothes is tough.
I have had many different experiences with diverse racial groups on campus. Coming from a small town with no diversity whatsoever I have seen and learned a lot. It has really opened my eyes on many different perspectives. Most students wear the usual to class. This being levis, tenis shoes and t-shirts and/or sweatshirts. Some students dress up, sometimes for presentations but also for pleasure. Some students also wear sweats. Pretty much no one cares and you can wear what ever you feel like without feeling discriminated against.
CSU has a "salad bowl" of cultures that attend here. CSU students wear all different types of clothing to school. I think that CSU is politically aware right now. Our country needs to be fixed and I do believe most students are aware of the Presidental race.
One of the first things i noticed about CSU's student body was the diversity. I came from a small town in southwest Colorado that was predomninantly white with some hispanics. Since coming here, i have interacted with many people of different races, and find it interesting to meet people with different backgrounds.