Colorado State University-Fort Collins Top Questions

Describe the students at Colorado State University-Fort Collins.


At CSU there isn't a lot of racial diveristy, but it has been something that the college is working on. But as for soci-economic and social groups, there is much more integration here than I experienced in high school. Most people make a group of friends in the dorms of individuals who come from all walks of life. Here I've made friends with people I never would've expected myself to be friends with. Students are very open to diversity and are willing to talk to people even if they don't look like they'll have much in common.


I love Colorado state because you can walk down the street and see friendly faces everywhere, everyone knows everyone. There are no clicks and no grouping. The clubs can make any minority feel welcome. Most of the students that i know at Colorado state live in Colorado. They are poor bu what college student isnt, but as ive observed, their parents and families are rather wealthy.


I have found a good religious group that I am in. There seems to be a group for every type of person here. I dont know if any student would feel out of place. There are not many groups geared toward non traditional students. People are casual when dressing for class. The average wear jeans and a hoodie or a t shirt. The tables would include hippies, athletes, average joes, and fake looking girls. A lot of CSU students are form in state. Middle class seems to be prevalent on this campus. People dont talk about their earnings yet, I am still new here.


For being only an hour from the Wyoming border, CSU definitely has a white majority of students. I think students who grew up in an urban environment would struggle shifting to the laid back atmosphere of Ft. Collins. The going out scene is so casual (as well as the jeans and T shirt favorites at school) that a lot of people from the city would find odd. Though most of our students are Caucasian, there is a strong Muslim and, or Middle Eastern presence at CSU.


There are mostly rich kids here at CSU because there are alot of frats and soroities and CSU keeps jacking the price up. It makes it hard for the not so rich kids to fit in.


There are a lot of groups at CSU, i would be suprised if you didn't find more than a few you liked. There isn't a whole lot of diversity at CSU but it is welcomed, there isn't any racial discrimination that i have seen here. There are many different types of students at CSU I have seen girls in designer clothes next to a kid in his pj's. Most kids dress in jeans and a t/sweat shirt for class. Though there is a huge instate population i have met many people from around the US, and never heard any negative things from students. There are many politically active students, but the majority of the campus in center to right politically.


My experiences with all the different types of groups on campus has been quite normal really, people don't usually get harassed for being different in any way. For the most part everyone here is very tolerant of others' differences and most even celebrate these differences through interactions with each other. Most students are from Colorado but there are also many that aren't from the state, some are from Iowa, Maryland, Florida, and even Saudi Arabia.


This is something I don't know too much about, this is my first semester and I really haven't learned too much about the student body as a whole. But so far I do like the diversity of the students and the things I see and hear around campus and out on the town.


This is an interesting topic because I am currently taking Ethnicity in the Media. I wasn't really aware of the racial stereotypes and segregations that exist in this school, but I have definitely become more aware since taking this class. Now that I pay more attention, I notice how students of color are oftne with students of color and white students are often with all other white students. I have also heard many different perspectives of students who feel very excluded and out of place. In particular the LGBT group came to talk to our class and really brought to our attention the discrimmination that is directed towards them.


I think there is a variety of students at CSU that no student should feel out of place. Most students I see wear sweats to class, except in some of my required courses for fashion design students dress very nice to class, they try to look their best. I think everyone interacts with everyone, especially during some smaller classes like my speech class, we were required to know everyones name and get to know them which helps to meet more people as well.