I think CSU is very equal in their views of other races and religions. Unfortunately, there is not much diversity here at CSU. But no matter what the race or religion, CSU most likely has a group or club geared toward them.
In terms of financial background, it ranges from lower income to high income backgrounds. The students who are out of state typically have the higher income background due to the high out of state costs here at CSU.
The only thing that kind of sucks about the student body at CSU is the lack of diversity. It's almost an all white campus which I think is hard for a lot of minorities coming in.
I have not had many experiences yet because i have not been on campus lonb. Most CSU students are from colorado and there are not many from out of state. I don't think many students are politically aware.
Student body seems well diverse.
The student body is diverse and non-racial. I am an african american attending this school and i have not ran into anything racial and i also have not ran into any altercations with anyone.
We have a fairly diverse student body. We have kids from farms, more liberals from the Boulder area, city kids, and also a group of international students.
I feel like in trying to embrace that diversity, parts of the university have gone too far in trying to be politically correct and end up frustrating and discriminating against other groups. Res life is absurd with the things they mandate throughout the university, for example not being able to call a romantic comedy a "chick flick." We have lots of advocacy groups for GLBT, African Americans, women, etc. all trying to raise awareness for their cause. I feel like in light of all of this there is some reverse discrimination going on against conservative people.
CSU has a lot of student organizations pertaining to many different ethnicities. CSU has many different races, but I sometimes feel there is a lot of middle easterners. I think that most students comes from middle class families.
there is a wide range of ppl that go to csu. i have mostly come across kids from colorado, with pretty stable backgrounds financially. everyone seems to interact.. there is obvious clicks.. but there is everywhere. and overall id like to think everyone is intellectual, although those arent the conversations that i usually hear.
CSU has a great diversity. Just walking through campus you can see a variety among sex, race, ecomonic status. I think that CSU also has a relaxed campus and everyone is here for the same thing, to better educated themselves.
If there were four tables in the dining room you could see so many different type of people. At one table you would most likely see jocks, football players, basketball players, etc. Another table you would probably see the studios kids, studying. At another table more of the "preppy" kids, in nice "in" clothes. And at another table, probably just the average college students.
SWEATPANTS! common dress on campus.. and I must say I love that!! I feel like there are a lot of students that are from CO at CSU