Queens college is a very mixed race school. all races are represented. however, there are hardly any activities on campus and it is hard to make friends and see them again in ure classes since it is a huge school
people are so open minded and the school have groups almost about every religion. students however choose to eat with people of their same race and language, this hapens in the dinning hall. most of queen scollege students are from china i guess. they are very liberal.
i do.
The campus is very diverse, but judiasm is the most prominent religion on campus. some students havea problem with it others really dont care. most students are either from queens or long island. not that many are politically active. there isnt much unity at qc.
Our campus is so racial diverse its amazing. You learn so much just from being here about the rest of the world. Its great. The fashion at Queens is cultural as well as commerical. Everyone interacts with anyone. Its not usual to see people of different backgrounds and religions hanging out together. Unless you like politics the majority of QC students could care less. We participate in elections but we see it as more of a nusiance then something to get excited about. QC has a mix of just about anything and you learn a lot. If you just sit and listen I guarantee you you'll probably hear about 4-5 different languages being spoken.
Students offer themselves to assist one another and you can always find tutoring help as well as friendly people to study with.
everyone pretty much gets along no matter what religion or class
everyone has a place
most students wear casual clothes
different types of students do interace
the athletes, frats,sororitys and asians typically stick together
most prevalent finanical background middle to upper middle class
most students are not politically active
Its hard for new people (specially from other states) to make friends at a commuter school) We have an awesome Greek system plus lots of rallies and activities for insoiders as wel as non-greeks, (GREEK WEEK)
I think that Queens college favors Jewish students. I think a caucasion feels most uncomfortable. Different students dont interact its very cliquey. Theres hte asians, jewish, sorority/frats, and the group of kids that have known each other since hs and they dont associate themselves with ppl they dont know. Most QC students are from the flushing area. Most people have financial aid for a dirt cheap school.
QC has a diverse group of students and it is not uncommon to see African American Students talking with Jewish students. For the most part racism and discrimination against sexual prefernce does not happen. I can use myself as an example: I am a Native American student with a diverse background, middle class, straight, raised Roman Catholic. Two of my closest friends are Jewish, another is bi-sexual, and I speak to everyone in my classes. I have not discriminated against them, and they ahve not done that to me. The most prevalent financial background at QC is middle class. A lot of single working mothers come to QC in order to better themselves and their financial standing. The age range of students is just as diverse as their background. Some students are politically aware and politically active. However the apathy at QC follows into the political arena. Most studenst are liberal. Students consistantly talk about how much money they will be able to make one day.