white people look at people of other races like they are superior to them.
The student body is very large and diverse. There is everything from and environmental club to greek life (fraternities / sororities) to religiouse groups. When loking for a group to hang out with usually you dont have to look to far.
The student body has a plurality of observant Jews. Queens College is a great place to be in terms of diversity. Whatever ethnicity or nationality you claim, you can find others who share it. The only problem is that people often form cliques based exclusively on ethnicity and nationality. It's back to high school sometimes, with all the ____ kids sitting together.
The best part about the student body is that class is NOT an issue. Tuition is very low, and scholarships are numerous besides. The students reflect the neighborhood and thus are largely middle-class. It's not an issue if they aren't, though.
We're a hodgepodge. There are politically-aware students, and there are typical apathetic kids. There are liberals and religious conservatives. No one's there to make big bucks, we're mostly down-to-earth. We just want a Bachelor's with no student loans to repay.
QC has one of the most diverse student bodies I can imagine. we are home to all races religions and ethnicities as well as socio-economic status. QC's affordable tuition makes it possible for students with all diffierent financial situations to study here. everyone here tolerates each other, i have never experienced a time here where any one may have felt segregated. different types of students are constantly interacting with each other!
The Queens College student body consist mostly of Eastern European whites, Asians, and some blacks and Hispanics.
It seems that the less assimilated people tend to hang out within their own ethnic groups while those that are assimilated tend to hang out with people who are also assimilated.
In any case, it's hard to find students who actually come to Queens College to really study and enjoy studying as much as finding students who just want to fulfill their degree requirements. I suppose those kinds of students will be found in graduate schools. Student sometimes care more about when the class is over as opposed to what's going on.
There are however many students who's sole purpose is to learn while also working towards a degree. I am one of them. It is really tough to find people who have similar interested as I do since everyone I know only care about where they're going Friday night.
It seems like most college students are of low-medium to low income families. There are also some from wealthy families, but not many.
Most student as previously stated are not active in extracurricular life beyond studying. It's not totally their fault as many of the extracurricular activity is just not something that anyone would be interested in.
Also, most people, I think, have some kind of job, so it's hard for them to do so many thing at college.
I feel that all religious and racial backgrounds are widely excepted and tolerated. Most students seem to be of a middle class background. Although in class a diverse and cohesive student body can be found but in the lunch room, students seems to be separated by tables of ethnicity. Most students seem to be from Queens and Long Island. I don't think that most students are politically aware of who is on their senate. I think that events geared toward getting to know these officers could greatly help. The CLIQ system is vital in this communter campus.
QC is an extremely diverse school. At any given time you can hear 60 different languages spoken all around you. There are students from over 100 countries presnent on campus. Most people get along with everyone else. It isn't like high school. People from very different backgrounds all hang out together. Because you don't have the same people in every class like you did in high school, it is hard not to meet new people from cultures that are different from yours.
this school is extremely diverse. if you thought your high school was, which i did, then you're in for exposure to even more countries and cultures. I've meet people from Turkey, Ghana, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Egypt here. It's really awesome and I'm grateful for it.
Very Diverse.
Lots of Jewish, Muslim, Asian, Black, etc.
You wouldn't feel out of place at QC: There are senior citizens and middle aged people, and of course, loads and loads of college age students of all races and religions.
QC is number one for students whose parents havent been to college, but loads of people from affluent families end up at Queens College too.
the student body at qc is amazing and like no other. i've met people of all races and religions and i've met friends that i've learned so much from. people who are not willing to make friends outside of their social network will have a hard time fitting in at school. most students are from queens, which is what makes our school so diverse. kids from middle class families are most prevalent at our school. there is a lot of politically active studnet on campus.