CUNY Queens College Top Questions

Describe the students at CUNY Queens College.


QC has a very diverse student body. You have every type of ethnicity represented on campus. Every religious group that wishes to be represented has a meeting place in the Student Union and if someone is looking for someone to connect with, they will find a group for that. The political side of the school is starting to warm up and elections are finally coming close, but the student government we have now, United People, has been extremely helpful and useful to the day to day workings of the college, as well as the student body population made up of athletes.


since its a commuter school most people come to class and go home. the school is really diverse although most people are only interested in hanging out with their own race/religion so unless you fit into a specific category its hard to make friends. it reminds me a lot of high school.


QC is a very most diverse school. There are clubs and activities for all races, ethnicities, religions and genders. I love that in one class you can have over 20 different nationalities.


There are plenty of organizations representing people of different racial and religious backgrounds. No students feel out of place at Queens College. Unfortunately, many students form cliques based on appearance, dress, religion, or background. However, nobody is ever "left out."


I feel like Queens College is a place for everybody.


Very good experiences. This is the most diverse college so no one would feel out of place unless they are failing all their classes because the level is too high for them. Most students dress casually. All different religions and races interact but for the most part people always stick to their own. Most students here are originally Americans living in Queens, it is their parents that originate from other general of course. They are politically aware. Alot ponder about what they will do to earn money one day.