Visit every college campus in person and TAKE NOTES!!!
College is an important part of a young persons education. Without this education it is hard to maintain good standing within the job market of todays society. Finding the right college is important and beneficial to every individual. If you as a student don't enjoy where you are attending you are not getting the full benefit of your education The right college can be determined by many factors but most importantly they are a personal choice. No one can tell you what school is right for you. To maximize the college experience the school must be somewhere you are willing to go and has things that interest you.
Go somewhere that feels right.
The most important part of the college experience is finding the place that feels like home. Once you feel as if you are living in an accepting environment, academics and peer relationships will follow. People who are comfortable with the choice they have made will excel and seek to better themselves as individuals. Once you have found the right college, take advantage of every opportunity you have. College is for you, the student, learn all you can from friends and professors. For man, college is the intermediate step to independence so use your time wisely and make lasting connections. Above all, be confident in your choices and seek to achieve excellence.
I would suggest that the students look at as many schools as possible that fit what they are looking for to make sure they find the right school. Going on over nights is a wonderful way to see the campus and experience what it is like to be a student at the school. When I did an overnight at my original first choice school, seeing the students in their actual setting changed my view of the school. See if you can take a class as well. That way, you can get a taste of how come classes are taught and see for yourself how big the classes are.
I think the best thing for a student to do is to make the most out of their college expeirence. One should do this by being willing to try new activities and take classes on topics one never knew about and always found interesting. Also, you should try to have a diverse group of friends to learn more about the places around you as well as countries you have never been to. Parents should help guide their children by helping them pick out the best school for them. I think parents and their children should visit every college together and then let the teenager visit the school on their own and meet with students to get a more practical perspective. Also, parents need to help their kids get the finanical stability they need in order to attend the school. In addition, potential college students should be honest with their parents as to what kind of environment they want to be surrounded by and what they want to study. If parents don't know what their children want they may sway them to go somewhere that is of no use to them.
Location, location, location and population
Dear parents, I know that the love and care for your children and their future is great and every respect is given to you for having to go through raising and worrying about your child; however, when it comes to choosing a college, you must remember that this is a choice that they will experience and have to go through without you being next to them every step of the way. Your children love you and want to share this experience with you but also want to be able to make their decisions and want to know that you will support them in every way and be their guidance, their mentors, and their friends. To students, don?t dismiss something because it seems different or too strange. Apply to schools that you have never heard of and learn more about them, you may be surprised at what you find. Get involved on campus and make friends in different groups. Always keep in mind that there may be that one school that you never thought of attending that may turn out to be the best experience of your life. If you keep an open mind, everything will fall into place.
Visit the school and follow your gut instinct. If you feel like it is a good fit for your from what you see through your own eyes then most likely it is.
I would say let the children decide, try it out and look for a small college that is libral. Its not about partying, but about getting yours because the professors already have theres. Pay attention in high school and lean all you can so you are well prepared for college. Go with your first choice becaue more than likely its your best.