To make the most of your college years, try to pick a school you'll be happy at with a location, culture, and class size that you'll like.
It's better to pick a school you'll be happy at than a school that looks better on a resume. If you don't like your school, it'll be harder to be happy, healthy, and successful while you're there. College is about education and preparing for the future, but it's also about learning who you are and meeting the people you're likely to be friends with for the rest of your life. All of those things are easier when you're happy with your school.
So be yourself at college interviews. If you misrepresent yourself and that's what gets you in, there's a bigger chance that the school isn't a good fit for you. If you're honest about yourself and you don't get in, it's not so much that the school doesn't want you as it is that you might not have been happy there, anyway.
Remember college is a time to discover yourself through learning more about the world around you. Make sure you take courses outside of your major or minor that peak your interest, they willgive you new insights to carry into your major and will end up teaching you a great deal about yourself. The same goes for extra-curriculars and your social life. Just because you are a varsity athlete doesn't mean you shouldn't stop by the University's acapella concert and vice versa. Some of the best times you will have will happen when you choose to do the unexpected. Above all, take a foreign language and if you can study abroad. Think about it, no matter what career path you choose you are automatically a more competitive candidate if you can speak two languages! Work hard, strive for good grades, find that balance between academics and your social life, and sit back and enjoy the ride because these four years are going to be great!
The advice I would give to parents about finding the right college for their child is that the decision should be made by the child alone. Although parental advice and suggestions are helpful, choosing a college is a decision that should ultimately be made by the child.
The advice I would give to students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is that students should try to go on over-nights and sit in on classes while researching schools. This way, students will be able to experience life and classes at the school first hand before making the decision to attend.
Also, students should remember that while choosing a college is an important decision, transferring is always an option if they become uphappy with their choice. I attended Muhlenberg College as a freshman and I was unhappy there, so I decided to transfer to Drew University. I love the school I attend now. Choosing a college and adjusting to the life there is all a part of the experience, and there is nothing wrong with changing your mind (and major!) during the process.
The best advice I could give would be to make sure that the choice you make is the school that's best for YOU - not what makes your parents happiest, is easiest on the wallet, or is where your friends or signficant other will be going to school. In the end, your happiness and your future is more important then any other factor. You have to go to school there for four years, not your mom or dad; loans can and will be repaid, eventually, and a quality educatioin is worth any price; your friends, and your boyfriend or girlfriend, will not disappear because of distance if they truly care about you. Think long and hard about your decision, and follow your heart.
The most important thing when choosing your college is to visit as many schools as you can, and choose the school which really feels like home to you. I chose Drew because of the beautiful forested campus, close community, and academic focus. These qualities reminded me of what I value in my own life: close relationships, hard work, and a relaxing atmosphere. Don't choose a college just because your friends go there or it has a big brand name: choose the college that speaks to you personally.
The best way to make the most of your college experience is to find one or two activities that you love, and stick with them all the way through. Make yourself a leader on campus in whatever your favorite club or sport is, and surround yourself with friends who have the same values. Not only is this a resume builder, because you're showing that you can maintain commitment to an activity, but you'll also have a lot more fun concentrating on what's important to you.
choose the college that feels right
Finding the right college means finding the place where can put your best foot forward in achieving your goals and setting up your future. I believe college is where you truly find yourself and figure out what it is that you want out of life. In order to do so, you must find the right college for you where the school, the environment, the professors, and fellow students help shape you into a well rounded student ready to conquer the world. After applying to schools that fit you, you have to decide where it is you are going to attend if accepted to multiple schools. In my opinion the best way to do so, is to visit the campus and try to find current students there, talk to them, see what their interests are and how they like the school. You can really find out a lot and get true opinions by talking to other students. Once attending college, you really need to make the most of it by getting involved in activities and clubs. Most importantly you should get to know your professors and trust me you will get a lot more out of your classes and you education.
When I stepped onto my campus for move in day, i knew that I had chosen the right school, but it took a lot of research to find it. It's important to look at a variety of schools to decide what kind of school you want - whether it's large or small, public or private, rural or urban. Once you narrow it down, the best way to find the right college is just to spend time on the campus. When you discover a college where you feel comfortable on the campus as well as challenged in the classroom, then you have found the right fit. In your first year at school, go to a bunch of different clubs' meetings, and then you can find what you are really interested in and stick with those activities. You should never find yourself sitting alone in your room (unless you're doing homework of course); there are always programs oncampus to keep yourself occupied, and if not, just find someone else and talk to them. This is the time in your life when you should be expanding your horizons and discovering who you are and how you fit into this world.
Make sure you research the college try to ask around if anyone you know goes there to get a personal view about the college. I would suggest visting the college and even spending a night there to get a full experience of the college.
My advice to students would be to not rely on your parents taking care of everything for you. Students need to think about that kind of things they want to study, where they want to live and what lifestyle is going to be comfortable with them when looking into colleges. Parents should definitley look into tuition, financial aid and loan opportunities but inlcude their child in this so they know that this education isn't cheap. I would also warn a lot of incoming freshman who are going to be living away from the ri fmailies for the first time to remember who they are and not compromise their ideals when they are in a new environment with new choices just because their parents aren't around, but at the same time, they should try new things and try to meet different types of people to see what they will learn.