Eastern Michigan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Eastern Michigan University know before they start?


Well my first advice for students would be to apply early and to as many schools as possible. You never know if you are going to get into your first or even seccond choice, but if you apply to a great number of schools chances are you will get into one that fits you well. Also make sure to visit as many campuses as you can, make sure that the campus has an atmosphere you like, and offers activites that you enjoy. To the parent I would advise allowing the student to pick the school; if you force your son or daughter to attend a college they are not happy with they will not excel as they will if they pick their own school. To make the most of a college experience I would encourage students to participate in as many activities around campus as possible without taking away from academic activites. The more activites you are involved with the more people you will meet and the more you will come to enjoy school. If you enjoy school you will put more effort into your academic studies, meaning better grades, and better jobs after graduation.


College is a great experience, but make sure to take it seriously form the beginning.


Take the time to look at different schools. Apply for a lot of financial aid. I am still struggling. My family barely has the money to help me, and I have none. So do all you can to apply for it.


Go visit many colleges with a parent. I visited seven and Eastern was the last one I visited and fell in love with the campus. My Mom also felt it was the best college for me. Apply to a few colleges. Check out the financial aid, Eastern gave me the best finanicial aid award. Look into the degree your are persuing, will a bachleors degree give you your credentials or will you need a masters. See what opportunies you will have when you graduate. Will there be job openings when you graduate. Talk to an advisor in your program. Go into a field of study you enjoy.


Simply to make sure that the school you chose offers everything you need and/or want, such as facilities, majors, faculty, etc.


Keep on keepin' on


Take a tour of the campus and talk to students and faculty. This will probably give you the best feel for whether the campus fits you. Also, have an open mind, but be smart. College can be awesome, but you should know your limits.


The best advice I can give to any prospective student in choosing a college is for the student to look at his or her self and pick out consistent personality traits that can be geared towards a specific genre of professions. Then use this information to choose a program and then choose the best college that has this program that he or she can get into based on his or hers academic record. One way a person can solidify their consistent personality traits is by taking the Meyers-Briggs test or by taking the personality sections of the ACT of the SAT exams. I think that the prospective student should figure out this first before other factors such as location and cost of attendence because the program of study cannot be worked around while other factors can. This is your life. You should sacrifice some personal discomfort for a few years rather than have to suffer doing something you don't want to do for the rest of your life.


Attend the college that you want to attend. Don't attend based on location or because of the scholarship that they are offering you. Attend the college that when you visit it, it speaks to you, that makes you feel welcome. Join student organizations that will you think will make you feel welcome and that you will gain many friends from. Without those friends, college isn't worth it, because although you are there to get an education the people that you meet will teach you much more than you could ever learn in a class room.


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