Eastern Michigan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Eastern Michigan University know before they start?


No matter what decision you make about which college to go to, just know that there are always options if you find yourself unhappy, un-challenged, or wondering if there's something more out there for you. There are always going to be options out there for you to change your situation or to adapt it to help you feel more secure, happier, or whatever it might be. Don't get discouraged if you find yourself in a situation that you're unhappy with, because even out of those situations you will be able to learn something new, and you will be able to grow as a person as you learn more about yourself and the world around you. Have heart, have courage and know that there are always people who are looking out for you, and there are always people who are rooting for you to succeed.


If I could go back to my senior year of high school, I would really try harder. Even though I made A's and B's in high school I did not apply myself as hard as I could have. I could have really applied myself alot more and then I would not have had as much trouble when first starting college. I have really had to study extra in some classes some of the things I remember from high school but did not really pay enough attention then to learn what I really needed to learn about the subjects. I know now that I could have learnt more then and that would have given me more time to learn more now while I am in college. I have to really set my mind and time now strictly to studying so I can learn all I need to know for the career future. And it is harder to do that now with 4 stepchildren to care for then it would have been for me to have applied more when I was in high school.


If I could speak to my high school self, I would encourage her not to be so shy. She was so quiet and did her work as told but had very little fun. I would encourage her to join in student activities and build relationships with the other students instead of always working so hard. I am glad that she got good grades but there is more to life than grades. Also, I would encourage her to follow her own path. Do not choose a college because your friend is going there. Be your own person!


To focus harder, find a study habit that workss for you.


I would tell myself that I don't need to freak out about leaving home so much because you will meet your new bestfriend as a roommate. I would tell myself that it would be a great learning experience in college. However I would tell myself that, after taking a year off of school to pay for second semester to go back to school, that I should stay in Illinois to go to school because it's cheaper and they can't rob you as much as schools in Illinois. And good luck and study more for your third semester History classes.


I would tell myself to stay on target more often. College itself can be a huge distraction, but if you don't set your priorities straight, you'll be there for an eternity. Don't give yourself a chance to slack off; just get done what needs to be done, when it needs to be done. The classes do not get any easier, and not following through on assignments will only hurt you.


I would tell myself to think very deeply about the things that I want out of life and what sort of life I would hope to have and then craft a realistic plan to achieve those goals with solid discernable steps. Then I would say, "pay attention to the plan," updating or revising it as necessary.


I would tell myself to get involved in school activties, participate more in school sponsered events. Also, I would job shaddow so that when I entered college I had a better idea of what I wanted to go to school for.


Save your money! It is going to take you longer than you think to get through school. You are going to hit some major financial bumps along the way. Do not spend your money on thing you do not need. Save, Save, Save.


I am not sure there is any one speech that would have prepared me better for college. You can listen to all of the speeches, prepare for it in every way possible, and still have a difficult transition. That is all apart of college. I would most likely just have told myself that everything would be okay. Hearing that might have helped ease a little of the nerves going into school .