Attending the best college does not guarantee ones success in the near future. It is rather discipline and hardwork that would get you where you want to be. One must look for a college that would be able to provide the required experience and knowledge for their chosen careers. To achieve our aim we must me focused and know what we want ( set a goal to be achieved ). College is not all partying. Its more intense and involves dedication for one to excel.
making sure it fits most of the needs of the student attending the college
For future students, I would recommend attending community college for the first couple of years for core classes. Why pay more for the same thing?! Just make sure that credits are transferrable to the four year institution you plan on attending. I think that parents should really try to help their student out as much as possible financially. It's really tough trying to keep up good grades, work, and worry about how you're going to cover the outrageous expenditures that come with college life.
Take a visit to that school and really make sure that is what you want in a school.
As a second year college student, I want to let incoming freshman know that it's good to have fun because it's part of the college experience as far as being away from and on your own. But because you are on your own, the maturity needs to set in because now it's up to you take care of business. Make very wise decisions, especially since it brings the outcome of your future. Have fun...but have your priorities in order!!!!
Finding the right college is sometimes hard. The best way to pick a school is to find a school that has a great program for the major that you want to go into. After that size and the range of activities is important. If you get bored eaily, then going to a large school with tons of groups and people is best because you'll always be able to find something to do. If you're more independent or have a specific activity in mind, then find a college that meets that. As for when you get to college, sleep, a well balanced meal, tiem to study, and time to just hang out with your friends are the main things you need hands down. Have fun, but also get an education.
Well, first off i would say that you should definatly go to the best school that accepted you. who cares if your best friend or boyfriend goes to a different school than you? you have to do what is right for you. secondly i say to the parents, let your kids live in the dorms. it may be more expensive, and tiny, but that is how most students make friends on campus. it is very hard to make friends in class. other than that, its pretty simple. keep an open mind, live life to the fullest everyday, and study hard. no sense in wasting all that money by failing.
First and foremost, think about why you are choosing the college that appeals to you most. Is it because it has a great bussiness program or because you are a big fan of the football team? Either way, be sure that you are choosing wisely. This is where you will be spending the majority of your time for possibly the next four years! You should take the time to go on tours, if offered and use every resource they give you. Talk to the advisors at the school and see what they have to say. Look at your financial aid. Do you have enough to make this school affordable? Consider the type of people that attend the school. If you are from a very suburban community, you may not be comfortable in somewhere like downtown Detroit. Being comfortable with your surroundings is one of the most important aspects. The way you feel about the community itself will effect your social life, your academics, and your overall happiness. If you are not happy with where you are, college is going to be an even more stressful experience..and believe me, there is no room for any extra stress. Good luck!!
Go to as many colleges as you can. Students - everyone will give you advice. Don't listen to them, listen to yourself. Where can you see yourself fitting in? Parents - be supportive of your child's decision, even if it wasn't your first choice for them. Remember, if you don't like the school, you can always transfer!
Think of the enviornment you want and the field you are going in as well as the surrounding community and how it fits to your needs.