Knowing what I know now I would tell myself to fill out scholarship after scholarship. I will also tell myself don't get distracted and leave these little boys where they at. I would also try and keep a positive attitude and look at things from a good and positive perspective because If i don't I will be stressed and depressed. I would also tell myself that it is ok to be close to certain friends and who not to get so close to. I will also tell myself that i can not help the world and that not giving my last is ok because when i may need that person's last they are not going to be willing to give it to me like I was willing to give it to them. I will also tell myself get used to being in situations alone. I came in this world as a single therefore i am in this world by myself. I will also tell myself the situations that is going to come at me, how to handle them, handle them in a different way then I already did and dont forget school is all you have.
First, I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships because there is more expenses than you expect. Then, make sure that you look at a variety of universities before selecting which one. You want to make sure that you're going to be happy wherever you end up. Also, when you find out your classes look for books online, they are much more expensive in the bookstores. I would also tell myself to bring less distractions to school because that it why you didn't do so well. I would say to focus on what the teachers are telling you right now because believe it or not, it really is the truth. And they really are there to help you and watch you succeed. The last thing I would tell myself is what I believe is the most important. I would tell myself to do whatever you can to stay close with your family and friends because you are about to move in with a bunch of strangers so for the first couple of weeks they are going to be all you have. It's scary, and its okay to be homesick but it will get better soon.
If I were to go back in time when I was a high school senior I would tell myself that Eastern is a much better school that I thought. When I first started at Eastern I thought that it wasn't going to be a very good school just because it is such a large commuter school. Looking back I know I made the right decision and I now love my school. I would also tell myself to make sure I worked hard, Eastern is not as easy as everyone makes it out to be. My first two years at school were not my best academically and I wish I knew I should've worked harder.
I've actually thought about what I might say to myself or what I might do if I could return to my senior year of high school... I know the first change I might make is I would have applied to more universities. I didn't have the confidence to apply to the schools I really wanted to go to at the time and began my college career at a community college, which I sometimes regret. But I suppose everything happens for a reason. There are many things about my college career that I might like to change, but by coming to this school and choosing the path I have, I was able to study abroad in Japan for the '08-'09 school year and that was by far the most invaluable experience of my life. If it means possibly losing that experience... I wouldn't change a thing. I would go back to myself as a senior and say, "Just go with it. You're headed toward some disappointments, but they'll lead to something awesome."
I would tell myself to focus more in highschool. I wish i would have paid attention and learned in highschool instead of blowing it off. i had to work very had to get into Eastern because of the slacking off i did in Highschool. If i would have focused more in highschool i could have gone to school out of state which i would have much rather done.
I would tell myself that I should be more serious. I would study harder. I would intern in my chosen field. I would have tried to gain more academic scholarships and would have studied for the ACT. I would have talen advantage of the dual enrollment program offered b Detroit Public Schools. I would have taken more leadership positions event hough I ran and lost my senior class President position.
Before i got to college i always felt that i wasn't as prepared as i could have been and that i wish i could change so much but now that i'm in college i feek different about how i felt. Being a college student is tough but it is very managable if you know how to work around your schedule and how to put your time into your work. If i could go back and talk to myself i would tell myself to keep pushing yourself to get where you need to go. Being a college student can be difficult especially trying to go into the medical field it requires skills, patience, time, and hard work. I would tell myself not to give up i did good for my first semester i recieved a 3.4 gpa but i know i can do better. Before i would leave i would tell myself to not give up that if you start off doing good then go to better then great. Achieve your goals and push your way through and let no one hold you back from becoming a doctor but just know it hard and be prepared to work.
I would tell myself to be more outgoing and not procrastinate! There is a life outside of your dorm room, and if you don't take the effort to make friends and get to know new people, it won't happen and you'll be disappointed. Also, college is extremly different from high school. You can't just cruise through a class. You have to study. And study. And study some more. College is work, but it's so rewarding to earn that high GPA. Work hard, but remember to branch out socially.
Nancy you are about to embark on one of the most exciting journeys of your life. The present time is the most valuable time you have, so write down your plans and aspirations for the future. It will serve to remind you of your goals and update it as you change your mind. When you get into college work toward your love of science and get your degree. Even if you don?t know what you will ultimately want to do, don?t worry about it you?ll figure it out along the way. You will never get a better reward for the work of your intellect and hands, than the day you receive your university diploma. It?s going to be one of the best journeys in your life, similar to your accomplishments in high school but with the elements of independence and increasing challenge. You have the same mind and motivation to accomplish anything you wish that?s why you will be successful. Be wise with your time, spending and focus on your studies, because the effort and the heart that you put into yourself and your studies will actualize itself in the woman you will become.
If I could travel back in time, I would have made myself understand that college would be a pivotal point in life. A time when I would learn who I was currently and who I wanted to become. Home would not be like it used to be, and the college dorm would not feel like a new home. But, I would make life long friends that would help with this transition because, they too were transitioning.
The next topic I would discuss would be the importance of studying. I would inform myself that there would be times when going out with friends, sleeping in late, or watching television would seem like the right choice; but to refrain from doing so all the time. I would tell myself that I would do fine in college. However, if I would have taken the time to learn how to study, I could have done better.
Lastly, communicate. I would inform the younger me that I would learn how to communicate throughout my time at college. However, I could have saved myself a lot of trouble and heart-ache if I knew how to communicate effectively from the start.