Eastern Michigan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Eastern Michigan University know before they start?


to study and take college life seriously that it is no joke


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would push myself harder. I would tell how rewarding colege is but how expensive it is also. My grades were good in high school, but I would've pushed to make them great. I would tell myself to use the little bit of extra time I had to volunteer more and help students younger than I. I would tell myself to enjoy the little things in life but also to prepare for my future. Its only been less than one-year since my senior year but I have learned and matured so much since then. I have a lot of advice and wisdom I would love to share with my younger self.


Be eager about what you are learning, and find out where you want to go before you start a college. Otherwise, you will end up wasting time and money. What you learn in college will be useful in a real world.


If i could go back in time and give myself advice it would first be keep your grades up so you can be able to have many choices. Secondly apply early and search different schools and attend different college fairs. Third would be ask questions about scholorships, pell grants and different college information. I would look for a school that has a great background on my career. I would then remind myself to always stay focus and pay attention and let myself know that anything is possible. I would have taken harder classes to transition myself into a college ready student. I would have reminded myself how important the ACT was and how it could help me go anywhere that i wanted and help me pay for school. I would have just reminded myself to take everything serious so i wouldn't have any regrets about my choices.


Dear Mone', This is your senior year, and I'm sure you have a great amount of questions on your mind. I'm here to help you with making your college experience a prosperous one. This isn't the easiest task, for there are many steps in which you should take. First you need to decide on a college. You can go about this is by applying and recieving acceptance letters from schools. From there, you decide on which school is offering you the most in money, and your major. The money portion is dependent upon how early you complete and submit your finacial aid, as well as household income. It's always a great idea to get the on-campus living experience. With all the events on campus, it's a wise choice to attend as many as possible. Not only does this help you network, but you form new friendships and a social life as well. If you can, try and become a part of an organization. Stay on top of your work, never procrastinate, and get a good relationship with your professors. I hope that my advice will help you in the long run. Sincerly, Future Mone'


The things I would tell myself in high school if I had the chance to do it all over. I would let myself know how stupid I was for not trying, not pushing myself to the potential that I know I'm capable of. Asking why are you not setting goals and then striving to meet them. Why do you not research the programs and academics offered at the school to help you succeed. Working is not more important than accomplishing the best while you are in high school. You have a grandmother that is more than willing to make sure that you have the best she can provide at home but you have to provide yourself in the future and working at being the best in school is going to accomplish that for you. If I could only go back and preach these things to myself. I would encourage to not think that just passing was ok, that having a higher GPA is more important. I would make sure that I knew how hard life would be without an education and that life would have so much more to offer just with the knowledge and the desire to succeed.


I definately would have prioritized and organized myself in a more concise manner as far as pursuing a beneficial and realistic education related to the real world. We are truely young and immature in so many ways when we begin our educational career and are often left preoccuppied with extracurricular activities and our academics are left as a subsidiary concern. If I could go back in time I would have told myself to take my education more seriously and would have conscientiously applied myself to a greater degree. I also would have initially studied a program that would have provided me not only with financial security and peace of mind for the future but with emotional and psychological well-being as well. We have usually left the comfort of family and home for the first time and we are in a sense much like birds leaving the nest for the first time, all we want to do is fly. However, it is how and where we end up landing that becomes absolutely essential.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to stay focused and keep going to school. I wish that I didn't know as much as I thought that I did back then. School is so important. I would also tell myself that it's so much harder to go back to school when you have children and a full time job. So just stay in school and then your life will be much more rewarding.


Camille, don't stay up late. Don't say "I'll do it later" to assignments. Study more. Put more effort into your work. Listen carefully to teachers... The list goes on and on. There are many things I would say to my high school self. I truley wish during my senior I knew the importance of my grades and where they would lead me. There are two main areas that I would advise myself on; family and grades. Yeah, everyone knows grades are important, but knowing exactly where those grades will take you is key. I do wish I could have raised my GPA. Thinking, "higher GPA, more money!" This would have been very benifical to me this year if I was awarded a scholarship. Also, family is very important to me and knowing that I would be far away from them never occured to be a bad thing. Well, I was wrong. It's a very hard transition and I wish I would have taken advantage of the evenings I had with my family while in high school. The two important things I would tell my high school self is to value my family and value my grades.


I would tell myself to get involved and make friends earlier in your time at college. Don't wait until your junior year to go through sorority recruitment. Do it your freshman year so you can have more time to enjoy it.