If i could talk to my high school self, I would tell myself to be less afraid to be who I am. Even back then I held many of the beliefs I hold now. The difference is that back as a high school student I was always afraid to express who I was. I felt that I would be judged and even though I didn't show it I was afraid of people and what they thought of me. To some extent I still have some of the same fears. However now I have come to terms with who I am. One of the other things I would tell myself is to do better in school. I always did the minimum in high school and because of that when I went to college I had to learn that life doesn't treat people who do not give it their all, very well. If you want to succeed you have to be willing to put your heart and soul into what you want and even though you might never be certain of you or your future, you certainly will not get where you want to be unless you commit yourself.
I would tell myself to study, study, study. Go to class prepared - meaning great sleep, breakfast, and positivity. I would tell Senior Me to not even worry about, "Will I make new friends?", because that is a given on a college campus. This is not like high school. Mom doesn't make you go to class and teachers don't call your house when you miss too many assignment, so be productive. Last but not least, have fun, but not too much.
If I could go back in time and give myself advice about the transition to college I would tell myself to relax. The first day will be emotional since you will be staying with your roommate for the first time who you could consider a complete stranger, but don’t worry though because he is a really great guy and when the end of the year comes and he is gone you will feel like you’ve lost a brother. As for classes don’t be concerned with what everyone says about them being harder than high school classes. The fact is that you are just lazier than you were in high school which means that it’s time to buckle down a bit. As for making friends you should already know from your time in high school that that won’t be a problem for you. Just get involved with organizations and don’t lose touch with the empathy you feel for those around you. Finally don’t let the thoughts of how grandma isn’t here to see you succeed cloud your mind because you are doing everything you can to make her proud.
Dear Anna,
I am writing to you from thirteen years in the future about things which i now know you should consider important for success.
Stay focused on your goals. Remember you're in a marathon. By sticking to the principles others have instilled in you; you will complete your education and achieve your goals.
You will meet "users" who will try to manipulate you and won't worry about your welfare. TRUST YOUR PARENTS in matters regarding men.
Be careful regarding alcohol and illicit drugs- YOU WILL DIE from abuse.
Put yourself and your children first.
Beware of the Internet. It can provide useful items but it can be misused to abuse you and your rights.
If you develop a serious disability TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. Your life may depend on it. Listen to the advice of family and physicians.
Listen to your college instructors and advisors. They will help you and give you the best advice possible.
If your education is interrupted remember it is NEVER TOO LATE to continue your education and achieve your dreams.
During your course of education, remember to love and believe in yourself.
As i take this time to reflect on my life as a highscool senior I think about all the times i had to push myslef a little further but didnt. Knowing what i know now i would tell myself to actually take time to read the chapters of my science book, to finish my homework at home instead of fifteen minutes before class, and i would also study test material a week before the test instead of the day of the test. "Partying?? Oh no, no party tonight you need to study, that math quiz tomorrow isn't going to complete itself" maybe if I had of told myslef this a few years ago i would have been more prepared for college. "Boys come and go, your teachers are here to help you for your future, so listening to him ramble on how he wants to take you out during a history lecture wont prepare you for your upcoming research paper". I would explain to myslef the lesson on prioritizing, somethings just aren't as important as other things in certain stages of your life. "Word of advice, listen to your teachers and parents they know from experience".
MapQuest Directions
From: Parent’s Home
To: Undetermined
1.Pack bags with love and support.
2.Turn right onto YOUR OWN LIFE PATH, proceed with caution.
4.Intersect with ORIENTATION/ORGANIZATION ROAD. (should you get LOST, make a U-turn)
6.Straight to APPLES IN APPLE CART ARE YOURS ROAD. Aptly named; you own the material so learn for life.
7.This portion of journey is full of highs and lows. Stay awake, attend class; you’ll reach CAMPUS/ LIFE NETWORKS ROAD
9.Merge with Straight to COMMUNITY SERVICE ROAD will connect with YOUR OWN LIFE PATH ROAD.
10.Merge with ACADEMIC ADVISORS SREET. Good resource.
11.Will approach ET PHONE HOME ROAD. Do. A lot.
12.Fatigue sets in, you feel lost, but ENDEAVOUR BLVD. confirms that the hoops you’ve jumped through have paid off. This isn’t time to party or celebrate, unless it’s twenty laps in the pool or a ten mile marathon. Endurance here means everything.
13.Arriving at LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL ROAD. Diploma in hand.
I would have said. You did not take advantage of the oppurtunity to find out what you really wanted to do in life. I chose my major based upon what I thought it would be. Then two years later i really found out what I wanted to do and ended up haviing to saty an extra semester. I would have volunteered to work in what I percieved to be my chosen field to see if I even liked what I thought I liked. I would not have been afraid to say wow I am scared and need to find out what I really want to do with my life. I would have taken more courses in writing.
I would say: it is okay. You didn’t know college was just another type of schooling in a more stressed environment. You didn’t know that if you would’ve applied to a few scholarships, you would not be frustrated trying to make ends meet. You were just having fun and enjoying your last year of high school not realizing once the high disappeared, you were left standing alone. It is okay to feel pressured and angry, but take those negative feelings and turn them into positive emotions. I would say: things would get better in the end. Life is just a long road and it is up to you to make it a journey. It is okay to enjoy yourself, but keep those who are important close to you and do not procrastinate on essential works that could help propel you into the madness of what is called “the real world.” It is okay to take things for granted, but remember to learn from those mistakes and do not let any opportunity pass without thinking it through. I would say it is okay to feel scared, but know that there is always light where there is darkness.
Be ready for anything, and accept challenges from classes. If you just sit and do nothing, it will be harder to understand different situations, or classes.
You are capable of more than you think you are. Life is hard and full of challenges and taking what seems like the easy way out is not always the case. Nothing worth while is going to be easy so face the challange to enjoy the benefits.