Eastern Michigan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Eastern Michigan University know before they start?


Being in college I have begun to make life time friendships that I really haven't been able to maintain in high school. I have been able to begin gaining knowlegde that pertains to my selected major that will help me to complete my dream of being a mechanical engineer for major automotive company. Without this college experience I would have been deprived of all the wonderful material I am learning and I would have been unable to complete my dream.


What I have gotten the most out of my college expreience cannot be found in most text books. I have learned so many life skills and lessons I could have never gotten in my small city, where everyone is exactly the same. I have met people of all different backgrounds and lifestyles and have made many diffrent friends. I have also learned about myself and have become a better person, not biased by my small town up-bringing. I have learned responsibility and work ethics and how to respect and understand others. These skills are all important in a working enviorment as well as everyday life. Though I will remember alot of what my proffessors have taught me in class, I will never forget the life lessons I have learned outside, which I would not have if it wasn't for Eastern's diverse and amazing campus.


All throughout my school career prior to college, I attended schools that consisted of mainly white students. Once I began at Eastern Michigan University, I realized that there is diversity everywhere and school is a great place for it. It helps everybody get along with everybody else. Another thing the I have gotten out of college is time management. Before I attended college, I was always a procrastinator, whether it was homework, projects...etc. I always did everything last minute. Once I went to college, it was a whole other ballgame. I had to do my homework and turn it in on time because late work is not exceptable at the college. I have to do that while at the same time focus on my job and bills. It taught me better organization for life in general.


I have learned a great deal from my college experience. The most important thing I did learn was building friendships. This helped me get through school by beable to rely on friends to help you when you don't understand things or give you support when you need it. I also was taught how to manage my time poperly. College can be very hard if your not organized and don't have good time managment skills. It was important for me to learn when to study, when to work and when i could go out and hang with friends. Lastly, college taught me to always do you best. When you doing your best, you may not know it, but people, professors, and employers are watching, and just when you think you failed, those poeple will tell you that you done a great job and give you more credit than you thought you had.


Attending Houston Community College has been one of the most challenging yet valuable experiences in my personal and spiritual life. I have four children with my great husband who never finished High School. With a highly demanding graveyard shift warehouse job he provides what his body allows him for our family. At times “mommy” can not take the children to the park or “daddy” can not afford all the other fun things kids their age do but these are sacrifices we are willing to make for a better future. Spiritually it has been difficult for me to get involved in hot topics of religion, abortion and homosexuality, but I have learned to understand and love people of different religions and nationalities. I have learned that Christianity is not about changing people’s religion or beliefs, but about showing Christ through love and humble actions. I’m sorry I cannot give insight on all the wonderful extra curricular programs in HCC or how great the dorms are; but I can say they offer a second chance in life to anyone needing an education regardless of one’s personal difficult circumstances.


I have gained a lot of knowledge in a variety of areas. I have learned that nothing in life is easy, especially the important things. I have learned to risks for things I want because I'll never get it if I don't try. I've realized that it's never too late to try something new, especially if it makes you happy. I've learned that, to me, the career after college isn't as important as the college experience. I've gained a huge respect for the faculty on my campus and how much they can help you. It's been valuable for me to attend because I've had the opportunity to learn new things about myself and gain more knowledge. I love learning and college has been a great place to learn all kinds of new things. In college, I've also had the opportunity to grow into adulthood before entering the "real world."


I have learned that in college that what you put into your classes is exactly what you get out of them. It is extremely important to put a lot of effort into your studies, otherwise it will be wasted time and wasted money. If you don't put your all into your classes, it isn't worth taking them. I've also learned how to manage my time better, finding it imperative to balance my studies, work, and any extracurricular activities enough so that my studies do not suffer and to cut back on social activities if it's harming my grades.


For me, it's just been a whole new experience, trying new things and learning to adapt to the different stresses of the college life. It's been teaching me so much about life and how to live it out to the fullest until the end.


My exprerience at Eastern Michigan University has changed my life completely. In the years that I have attented the college I have learned much about the Graphic Design degree that I will use later in my career. I also have gained general knowledge about other existing majors, which helped me become a well rounded person. It has also brought for me a deep appreciation for the arts, especially in regards to classical literature and music. Here I realized that I have a deep passion for acting and being on stage. Attending college should be an important part of life for every person, no matter at what age. College will make you see the world from another perspective, that you could have never imagined. Not only will it help you realize what you want to do with your life, but it will also make you more open to the world around you.


In my college experience I have gotten my time managment skills perfected. Being around people who are persuing careers in the same field as me, has made me more motivated to go through with my career. I am around hardworking students who are dedicated to thier studies so I've found myself commited to my studies and working twice as hard in my classes. College has been valuable to attend because I have been around professors and students who take thier education just as serious as I do and they are always willing to help me with my classes. I am also able to be more dependent instead of my mother helping me . For example, I am able to pay for my books at my own expense and go to class on time, which has made me more responsible.