Take advantage of college open houses before deciding which college to apply to. If after visiting the campus, the student is still comfortable with the atmosphere go ahead and apply. It is very important to be comfortable with your surroundings when away from the familiar.
More often than not, high schoolers (and especially their parents), spend an inordinate amount of time selecting colleges. Every student dislikes their campus food, thinks that their dorm is too small, and even that drinking is a large part of college life and that students only socialize with their own racial group, even if the school is racially diverse. To make the most of the college selection process and subsequent college experience, look for a college with the size that you think is most suitable for you. Calm down, because everyone eventually finds their group of friends, but think carefully about whether you want a more intimate small community or a large bustling one. Of course, academics and financial aid must be the first priority. Without academics, what is the point of college? Without financial aid, how can you even attend the college? But once you settle those issues, just remember to consider the size of the school. Once you narrow those down, any college you pick will be suitable since colleges truly are more similar than different. What you make out of your college experience will ultimately lie in your own hands, no matter where you are.
Make sure that you visit the college and when you do, you can imagine yourself as a student there. Also, the college should be able to offer you an outlet for your passions and hobbies even if it has nothing to do with your career choice or major. For example, dance, IM sports, music etc.
Try new things. Try new academic classes that you thought you wouldn't be interested in. Talk to people you wouldn't normally talk to. Work hard but have fun.
Choose carefully, but it is likely that no matter where you end up, you will find your niche. Mainly, don't worry too much about what college you end up at.
Make sure that the college is in an environment that you know you will enjoy - it helps motivate you a lot more than somewhere where you aren't sure you'll be happy. Look into the types of people that attend the school and read into teacher accessibility, class size, etc. and make sure it's a good fit for you. Don't go somewhere that you have to convince yourself you'll be comfortable at. If you're not happy, you won't do well. It's better to go to an average college if you know that it will give you a better experience than a more higher-ranked college that you have heard negative things about. Definitely visit the campus and talk to the students.
While making a college decision, let your child decide what is best for him or her. Do not push your kid past his or her limits by taking years of SAT prep in the hopes of acceptance to an academically prestigious college. Students will get into these schools on their own merit, so basically your child will be sinking. Have fun in high school, you will work plenty hard in college. Stay focused and you will get it done!
The advice I would give them is to make sure and go and see the school personally. When you do that, you will come to know if the environment is right for you or not. But in addition to the typical tour, they should sit in on a class or stay the night. Another advice is that make sure you are comfortable with the weather!
Researching colleges is vital to helping make the right decision in the final decision making process. However, while facts and statistics about the school helps alot as information that is needed to help sift through the many possibilities, I think the final decision is based on the actual visit to the school itself. Many times, it is the campus and the hussle and bustle on campus during school hours that allows a possible student to either fall in love or hate the school. This same idea can be applied once one has entered the college. No matter how much on paper one might like the school, much of how one views the school depends on one's own decisions and efforts. By putting oneself out there, meeting new people, trying new things, and making use of the once in a lifetime opportunity offered by resources placed at one's fingertips , then one can truthfully say they have tried to make the most of the college experience. One has all life to hole up in their comfort zone, it is here that everyone has the chance and opportunity to try something new and find the "hole" that you best fit in.
Students should not be devastated if they do not get into their first choice, because in the end everyone ends up where they are supposed to be. I would suggests looking at college that offer programs and activities you are interested in and not focus so much on college ratings.--not everyone is meant for the ivy leagues. As for parents, they should not force their children into applying to colleges the child does not see themselves at, because although the parent may have the best intentions, it can lead to a very unhappy, costly college experience that is just now worth it in the end. Overall, just follow your gut and realize that the college rejections are not a measure of your character, but a symbol of where you just do not belong.