I advise parents and students to start preparing for college early by attending college fairs, taking college tours, and talking to people that are attending college or have attended college. Don't let the price of college deture you from attending because there are so many different ways to finance college and the earlier you check into your finance opitions the better chances you have at getting good finances for college.
Finding the right college is not an exact science. Just like there is no formula for you to get into the school of your dreams there is no formula for choosing the school of your dreams. But there is something you can do--visit the college. I don't mean visit the school and go on an admissions tour with your parents. I mean visit the school alone in the middle of the week with classes in session. If possible try to stay with a college freshman. You want to achieve the purest experience possible and the only way to do that is by not attending artificial information sessions and not forming anyone's opinion except your own. Blend in and be a student for a day and you will be treated accordingly. The best way to find out about a college is, in fact, to attend that college. Unfortunately, most cannot afford to go around paying tution at various schools until one feels just right. We can only hope that a day or two can be projected onto a year. In the end, you will make the right choice and if you don't, one word: Transfer!
When I found Emory, I felt what I can only describe as a "buzz." When I got onto campus I felt energetic and curious. The environment was stimulating and I knew from research that the academic programs were strong enough to provide me with a strong background in any subject I chose. Once you get to the school where you belong, do your best to let go of your preconceived notions about what you are supposed to do or supposed to study in college. The majority of us changed our major at least once, but that's the point. The best thing you can do for yourself is follow whatever passions you may discover along the way and find something you can see yourself being happy with for the rest of your life. Don't choose your major based on average salary; that changes. Choose your major because it's something you don't dread staying up until 2 or 3 am to study and master. It took me two years to discover these things, but I don't regret that I spent 2 years not knowing because I now own this knowledge.
I advise anyone choosing a college, to listen to your inner desires. Do not let anyone influence your idea of what kind of school you want. For example, if you want to be in big school with hundreds of people in each class, then follow your heart because I gaurantee you, if that's what you want, you will never be happy in a small school regardless of how academically beneficial it is. Do not let anyone talk you out of what you feel is right for you.
find financial aid first and then accept
Absolutely visit the college and try to talk to people outside of the traditional tours, which are designed to impress you, and remember they're only part of the story. Also, really think about what kinds of activities you enjoy doing in your hometown and see what the accessibility is from where you're applying. For example, look into the public transportation and proximity of parks so you can find ways to decrease your spending and get off main campus once in a while. I stongly encourage parents to let students explore on their own, because they're more likely to get honest answers from people closer to their age. Parents should be supportive about letting their children go into college undecided and excited, instead of feeling stuck in a major and possibly intimidated. Definetly explore the greater communities outside of college which can be rewarding personally and professionally in the long run. Attend extra lectures in subjects that interest you, perhaps outisde of your major, instead of starting your partying early because by the end of undergrad you won't remember the afternoons you blew off nearly as well as the stimulating new ideas which colleges can provide.
The only advice I can give other than the typical "excellent academics, available professors" suggestions is to find a campus where you know you will be able to relax. Search for a campus with wonderfully green surroundings or a quiet library or whatever environment will help you to relax. Despite the fact that college can be a lot of work, there is a good amount of down time, and sometimes we all need a little time to escape the books.
When choosing a school it is important for people to make sure they enjoy it. In oreder to perform your best, you must be happy. At the school you attend, make sure that most of your needs are met. Ask yourself, am I happy? Will attending this school help me be successful? Lastly, picture yourself at any school you are considering. Then ask yourself can I see myself here everyday for the next four years. To students trust the judgement of your parents. To parents listen to ALL of the needs and wants your student has. If you do most of what I have said, your college selection should be easy and enjoyable! I wish everyone the best of luck!
No regrets, and have fun.
School makes everything so serious and it doesn't always have to be that way.