The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Everest University-Pompano Beach is 100%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
It is really hard to tell because all my class were in an online evironment.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
I absolutely love attending Everest Online classes. As a home schooling mother of 6 children, attending a brick and mortar college is just not an option for me or my family. My husband and I are both enrolled in online classes, there is so much flexibility in our schedules. I work on my assignments during the kids naps and again at night when they go to bed; my husband completes assignments during his lunch break at work during the day and also works on assignments at night with me when our kids go to bed. So no matter our schedule we are able to find time to get our classes done for the week without worry that we have to be in a class at a certain time of the day.
Another thing that I love is that there is always someone available to help you if you are having technical issues or questions of any kind. I rarely have to call the school for anything but when I have had questions I rarely had to wait to get answers. They were there every step of the way helping with financial aid, getting classes scheduled, and making sure I was choosing the right degree program for me. Absolutely wonderful.
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Describe the students at your school.
I really don't talk to any students at my school beacuse I do my school online so it is kinda of difficult to talk to other students outside of classes.
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What are the academics like at your school?
The academics at Everest Online are like no other. Being an online school the academics are very different than those of a brick and mortar school however, they are in my opinion still very highly ranked.
The professors have been wonderful for the most part. Of course like any college you will run into one here or there that you are just not compatible with, but overall I have had some great relationships with my professors. During my college experience thus far, I have had 2 children, the first one I had was born prematurely and I had a professor who helped me outside of class with the issues my son was facing, she took a real concern for his well-being and still contacts me from time to time to check on him and I have not had her for 4 semesters. The last 2 semesters I have had health issues for myself during my pregnancy and my professors have been understanding, willing to work with me, and genuinely concerned for my well being and the well being of my baby. If you let your professors know what is going on in your life in advance most of them will work with you to make sure you get your work done without losing your grade.
Another part of academics that I like is that even though we are in online classes we can still make friends in classes, to help each other etc. we can talk outside of class via emails or even social networking such as facebook.
I am a Business Administration major, my classes have been perfectly chosen to meet the skills of what I need to accomplish to obtain the specific job that I want. Ninety percent of my classes are core classes for my major and not unnecessary classes that I do not need, which makes it much nicer that I am completing classes I actually am interested in and not ones that have nothing to do with my job type.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
Being an online college we really do not have an off campus life like brick and mortar colleges. Those of us who attend college online are either working, taking care of families, or handling prior obligations in our off time.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
I decide to go to school because I wanted to further my education and I wanted a better job. I also wanted to have a better life for me and my daughter.
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What are your classes like?
I really enjoy my classes online. It gives me the freedom that I need in my busy schedule to further my education. My family and friends are behind me 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}.
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Describe your school to someone who's never heard of it.
Everest University I consider to be the pioneer in learning offering the latest innovation in learning with the most sophisticated platform you will ever be exposed to. All the books are top notch based on the latest technologies and strategies the market has to offer. I have found that out information is much more advanced than a lot of our other local Universities.
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Tell us about your professors.
Some of the professors are very nice, and helpful. There are a few that are not consistant with the grading. Even though you do two assignments exactly the same they will grade you different. Most of the professors are very fair with the grading though. It is great to have professors that work in the field of the courses. They are very knowledgable in the subjects.
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What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Hard work is definitely required. More study time is required since the courses are all online. There is no classroom for lectures. All the notes taken by you are a result of reading, studying and gaining understanding of the material.
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Describe a day on campus you'll never forget.
The first day of my classes and knowing that I am doing something to better myself and my future. Knowing that I am going to have a career and college degree is a great feeling and accomplishment.
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What do students complain about most?
I have not heard any students complain about this school so far.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
I would highly recommend to anyone that is wanting to go back to school that Everest has been very satisfactory for me. I really enjoy it.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
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Describe a typical weekend.
A typical weekend for myself at Everest University Online is course work on Saturday (always due on saturdays), and Sundays are days to relax and reflect what is to come in the upcomming week.
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What's unique about your campus?
Flexibility! That is what is the most unique thing about Everest Online. You can still live a normal life without worry that you have to be in a class at a certain time or day, you have 7 days to complete the work for the week allowing you to do it when it is convenient for you.
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Where is the best place to get work done on campus?
Beings that my schooling is online the best place for me to get my work done is in my room or in the living room. I study whether there is noise or no noise. Everyone has their proference of how they study and where the best place is for them to study. Some need complete silence and some need a little noise, which you will figure out which is best for you when you start studying. If you get distracted easy then a quiet place would be best.
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Describe the dorms.
The best thing about taking online classes is that your dorm is the comfort of your own home, or where ever your able to accomplish your work.
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What's the Greek scene like?
Everest is involved in many different sororities and fraternities that you can join and be a part of. Whether you will have to earn your way through your Grades or school projects you will love the school attitude and the positive ambition everyone has.
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Describe the best and worst parts of the social scene on campus.
The best part of the social scene is that we have an incredible diversified culture of students which lends for very interesting topics of conversations and entertainment. The worst part I guess would be if you were not a social individual meaning someone who takes the school serious yet likes to enjoy life, than this University would not be for you. With Everest you will immediately notice that everyone is willing and will offer you a helping hand. You never feel alone or discouraged with the school or your professors.
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