Fashion Institute of Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at Fashion Institute of Technology know before they start?


To Natalie: I know you're a nervous wreck about getting those acceptance letters. Don't stress about this whole process too much. Those twenty scholarship essays that you wrote will come in handy. Continue writing those. College will be completely different from high school. You will be surrounded by people who are passionate about what they're doing. You will have professors who really want to see you succeed. The Fashion Institute is your first choice for a reason. I know it's scary to think about leaving your family in Texas and moving to a new state by yourself, but it's worth it. Deciding to go to the Fashion Institute will be the scariest and best decision you will make during your teenage years. You will make really good friends, you'll get to work fashion week, you'll get to do the Breast Cancer Walk in Central Park, and you're going to experience so many new things. You'll finally get to see life outside of your hometown. Before all of this make sure you're saving your money and invest in a good coat. Things are going to work out. Love, College Freshmen Natalie


I would tell myself to just have fun. Don't worry or stress about pleasing your professors. It's more than that. In a major like illustration, you should be able to be open and express your mind in a visual way. The best work is made when you're not thinking about making it the best just making sure your voice is heard through pictures. Pictures that can tell a vivd story that truly captures the eye. There is a lot you can draw with just your imagination, just apply it the next time you want to draw. It's never bad to have your own personality into your work. That is what makes it yours and no one elses. Just stay true to what you love.


Hi Jonathan, I know you are excited to go to SUNY Oneonta. But your keep your paths and mind open to new ideas. Consider studying abroad, you would be surprised how powerful a trip to Oxford, England might be. Don’t be scared to change majors. That is what college is about, learning, evolving, and understanding life isn’t handed to you on a silver platter. Understand you will have professors that will change your life, others will bore you to death but it reflects real life. There will be people you’ll like and people you don’t like but you still have to interact with them. Compromise will be an important concept to understand as will time management. Partying is fun, I am not going to say it isn’t and you will meet some interesting people. But control yourself and realize time management comes into play when you are hungover and you realize you have a paper due by 7pm that night and you haven’t started it. It is better to have four close friends to help you when life beats you down, than a hundred that won’t look your way. Enjoy the ride.


As a high school senior, I was very afraid to start looking seriously at colleges and to think about leaving this school that I became so familiar with. I was unmotivated in college searches, feeling dreadful when the thought came to mind because I was just not ready for such a change. I only applied to a couple schools, and during that time I hadn't considered FIT at all. But if I could go back and tell my past high school self some important advice, I would say: Nadia, the future happens whether you are ready for it or not. You have the choice to go really wherever you want to go, and it is important to not let fear of the future cause you to be at a standstill and scare you. It is important to step out of your comfort zone because then you can realize so much more about yourself and the world when you do so. After highschool, I decided to start my college journey at a community college. I have no regrets about that because I met a lot of great people there, and I got to take their friendships with me here.


Don't be afraid to step outside your boundaries, make new friends and be open to others. It's okay to want to grow up and find internships and prepare for the real world but always remember that you're only young once. The people that you meet in college can truly influence your decisions so be sure not to be mingling in the wrong group of peers. Allow yourself to introduce yourself to people you typically wouldn't see yourself friends with because they might end up being your best friends. Don't put boys over friendships and work because college boys will come and go. Last but not least, always remember that you can't find happiness, happiness will come to you by being around the right people, doing what you love and being you.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to be more open. Get outside of my comfort zone, reach out to people in the industy and have a connection when I got to FIT. When I arrived at FIT I felt behind becuase most of the students lived close by and had been attending events at the school throughout high school. I have never been the type of person to do something I wasn't comfortable with and my anxiety has held me back in many situations. I didn't take job opportunities or trips that would have benefited my career becuase I was scared. I regret it and wish I could have had more confience in myself. I can't change the past so I have accepted it and made the best of my situation, and I think I've done pretty well for myself. I was accepted into major of only 25 students, I grow everyday and learn to become more confiedent in myself. In the next two years I will be more than ready to take the world by storm and I own it all to FIT.


Word of advice to senior Jessica, choose a college for you. Do not choose a school based on where your best friend is going or a school near your boyfriend. You made it into your dream school why I you thinking twice about it. College is all about preparing yourself for the future, in the classroom and outside of it. College is about the experiences and friends you will make that will last you the rest of your life. I know you, right now you're worried about not being good enough, smart enough, or even ready for independece. Guess what you are. You will survive college and love it. The City will be a big move for you but trust me you won't want to leave it once you become settled. You will find your group where you belong, you will finally realize what you want out of life, and you will finally gain the confidence you needed. I would tell you Good luck but trust me, you don't need it.


Be more comfortable with yourself. Stop trying so hard for the aproval of strangers. Be your own person. You do not need the aproval of strangers to feel validated. Since you will be a design major remember that when working on design projects trust yourself more. Do what feels right and do not constrain yourself by doing what you think others want. Try to focus more on yourself and your work. Know that the effort you put in now will go towards your own career and future. Be more responsible with yourself. The foods that you eat will affect you later on so make the right choices. Make the efort to join school clubs. You will meet really cool people with similar interest and you will get to be involved in cool projects. Overall, do not worry too much. College will be an amazing. You will find your passion for your work, meet like minded people and be exposed to amazing oportunities.


Looking back as an adult, I realize there are many opportunities I may have overlooked as a younger person. If I could go back in time, I'd probably tell myself to buy stock in Google - kidding! Realistically, I would offer guidance through the transistion to adulthood. During high school, I'd probably teach myself about personal finance - saving money, budgeting, student debt, and loans. I'd prepare myself for entering college by opening myself to the entire experience and cherishing every moment. Sometimes young people feel rushed into applying for college and choose a major without enough thought. I'd allow myself the time to deeply consider my options, and experiment in many different academic areas to discover where I excel. I would advise my younger self to seek out mentors who can offer advice based on real world experience. I'd say learn a language and practice it, learn an instrument and retain it, read a lot of books and remember them. Overall, I'd push myself to be aspire to greater heights to become a well-informed and productive member of society. Who hopefully owns stock in Google!


"Hey shmuly, I dont have enough words available to tell you as much as i want to, and i wish i could tell you so many things about your future. But i know that i shouldnt. If i tell you certain things now, it might disrupt the coarse of the future. The safest thing i can tell you is that the pain your feeling inside, the fear, the worry. It will pass. Im not saying you wont have pain, worry and fear in the future, but i know where you are in life at this age and i know what gives you pain, fear, and worry the most. Im letting you know this because i feal you need some hope in your current stage in life. Being that i was offered the opportunity to talk to you briefly, I felt it would make your days in school i bit more bearable to know it gets easier. Lol, it gets easier. Ive already said too much." (Voiceover Automated Message)"Dream travel sequence complete, would you like to submit your dream messege for review Mr. Toron?" "Yes. And VEM, thanks again for this opportunity. Its always been a dream of mine.