Fashion Institute of Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at Fashion Institute of Technology know before they start?


Going back to senior year, I would defiantly rethink going to criminal justice school and just realizing I have a talent that is more than a hobby. I always assumed my sewing and design abilities were just for fun but it turns out when I?m put in the right environment with the right people, I feel it and I just need to embrace it. I went to school in New York for criminal justice and once I was in New York surrounded by all the chaos and buildings, I just had a sudden desire to draw and put things together. That?s when everything clicked and since I was already enrolled in school, I was taking classes that weren?t transferable and I would have to take a semester off to just get applied to school. I wasted a year not doing what I love and I now I?m trying to get ahead and graduate when I was supposed to. Now in school surrounded by many fashionistas, I was to do everything, design, production, selling. I set many goals for myself that I should have realized and set back in high school.


If i could go back in time to be a high school senior, I would definitely have applied for more scholarships and financial aid. College expenses are immense! I would have also joined more clubs during high school related to my major such as the Future Business Leaders of America. I would have also practiced time-management a little better because there is a ton of schoolwork and reading always being assigned, I work part-time, and I commute. I would prepare myself for endless studying every day of the week. I would really have to become more responsible because in college you take care of your schedule, making sure you understand the material, and everything by yourself. Make sure you are going to a college that is exactly what you want, don't just go for the prestigious name. I would say, "Be prepared for a lot of work but make sure you have some time for yourself."


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to get ready to get ready to handle yourself by yourself. I understand that u know high school to be a world where everybody pretty much knows everybody and mom or dad pretty much picks up the slack. College is a different world. College is a world where responsibility & planning is key. The chances of your instructor knowing you by name are very slim. Dont expect your instructor to ask for your assignment, or ask why you didnt do it. What you put in, is what you will get out. To avoid any rude surprises about quizes or test, consider taking a look at the professor`s syllabus. Lastly, use your college experience as a networking opportunity. If you expect to superceed everybody else, you may have to come out of that shy shell. When you are introduced to students in your field & industry professionals, make yourself known and get as much information as you can from them. It may help you get a job in the long run.


As a high school senior I was under the impression that I had to know exactly what I wanted to do with my life, and exactly what I wanted to study at college. Since my freshman year of college in 2005, I have studied at three different schools: Suffolk University in Boston for a year and Half, a semester at Adirondack Community College (at home), and finally at the Fashion Institute of Technology. I have switched between Art History, Marketing, and what I will graduate with my BS degree in, Fashion Merchandising Management. In saying that, I would tell myself that it's ok to not know, and to change my mind and that the most important thing is to never stop moving forward or to not settle for something that doesn't make me happy. College is a process of trial and error. It's better to try many things and be a little unsure than it is to just give up and do what is supposedly expected.


Don't freakout about changing colleges and majors. This is the time to experiment with different career ideas and options. More importantly just be happy, finding something that you can be passionate about is essential to having a happy job.


The advice I would give myself is to allow myself to be me and fear nothing. Allow myself to be completely open and I will see that people will like me and the designs that I create. Stay friendly and try everything once because so many doors open when your own personal door isn't closed.


When you're in high school college can seem very daunting. Not only because it's a part of growing up in our society, and therefore sort of a shock to one's self that one is growing up, but also because one has this notion that college is this different sort of place,. I would tell myself that college is just like high school. The same sorts of people exist, the same types of techers exist, and the same good points and bad points about the social life of high school exist in college. You will meet people you despise, and you will meet people that, to you, are the best people in the world. The only difference now is that you're an adult, and you have a better grasp on who you are and what you want. This makes it easier because you are able to weed out what is good and bad for you specifically. With that in mind I would tell myself to think on a more global scale, and to free my mind from the confines of the halls and people of my high school. In that way I would be ready for college.


Be prepared for extremely heavy work loads. Do not put unnecessary pressures on yourself. Figure out your priorities and set them. Do not keep second guessing your decisions on your designs and design what you feel is right. Take constructive critisim and use it improve the next phase of your learning adventure. Do not procrastinate, if you have the time in advance get the job done and move on to the next responsability. Make sure you get enough rest and eat healthy. Stay in tune with your inner self and believe in that person. Have extreme amounts of self confidence and know that you can overcome all obstacles. There is nothing that can happen that cannot be fixed . Do not be afraid.


I would suggest that students find the college/university that will give them a well rounded experience not only in their particular career path but also their college's social community as well. Also, I would suggest that students go off to college with an open opportunity to career changes; instead of being so focused on a particular career. Many of my friends went to schools focused on one career, and ended up switching majors because they found something else that interested them.


Just listen to what one another want. It's such a pain in the butt trying to figure everything out when the parents and kids aren't even in agreement. Make sure that you support your children in what they decide. It means a lot to them if you support them with your heart and mind.