Start early and know what you want ina school. For the student, make sure its the right school for you and not for your parents.
Take time to visit the schools you're interested in, and get involved in activities related to the career field you may want to persue. You may think you're interested in a certain field, but then may get to a school that specializes in that field to discover you hate it. I thought I was interested in accessory design, so I took a weekend class at FIT in highschool and discovered that I didn't like it. Instead I found I was interested in fashion design.
Get very involved. You will mkae friends to last you for life.
For Students, follow your dreams and fulfill your goals. Visit as many colleges as you are interested in and choose the one that is for you. College is a place where you can explore who you are and discover who you want to become. I know for many our college is chosen for us since before we even started looking. Students remember college is a place where you grow up; this is your life.
For Parents, support your children in every way. Let them follow their dreams and encourage them to do the best that they can. Remember you were a child once and you had dreams; now let your son or daughter live theirs. Good luck to you, try not to cry to hard while you leave you child on their campus. As much as your child is involved, they will always find time to talk to you.
students interact with your campus and not take everything too seriously.
I would say that any school they are thinking of attending to plan your four years of classes in a way where you can get the most out of the classes and still enjoy the school you attend. Make sure the school faculty is friendly and helpful. Spend more than one time visiting the school to get a better idea of what kind of people go there. First visits can sometimes be decieving and if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Take time to make a decision about what school you are going to go to and have a back-up plan if you don't like the school once you start going there, you'll have something to fall back on. Find out about the area of your school and enjoy everything the town or city has to offer. Get involved in clubs, projects, teams, it will help you meet new people, and make friends. Put yourself out there and don't live in your own little world, because after college is the real world so act like you live in it.
Students must try to find a college where they feel most comfortable - Trying to speak to students who currently attend the school is helpful - student should also try to attend a class. If they can pend a few days with a person attending the school - That's even better.
Parents should be as helpful as possible - supportive - and patient!
Go to a general university and dorm.
Make sure your kids are 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} about what they want to study. If they aren't sure don't send them to a school which makes them declare their major within their first year. It'll waste you money if you send them to a non-liberal art school, because most change their mind when they are there. Allow them to dorm the first year to see if they like it even though you are scared out of your mind, to let them go. They will learn to be adults and the responsibilities that come with being an adult and will also learn to appreciate you more as a parent.
I would suggest the student visit all potential choices, taking all tours of the campus and talking with as many possible students to really get a feeling for what student and residential life is like at the particular school. Also, you'll want to be realistic in your potential choices. If you fall in love with a school that is entirely out of your price range (like a friend of mine), you won't be satisfied with any other school, making it impossible for you to be happy with your choice. Regarding your experience, I feel that students should always remember to put their work before all else, even a job. With their new found independence and numerous new friends, college students often forget that they are actually there for an education and that should be top priority. In finishing your work on time, you create more free time for partying and socializing with the stress r trying to finish your work afterwards. In my opinion, we pay so much for our college education, and I think we should make that our absolute most important responsibility at that time. There will always be time for parties afterwards.