Fashion Institute of Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at Fashion Institute of Technology know before they start?


Whatever you do, do not give up! Perseverance is key. I have learned throughout my college experience that good things happen when you put your all into them. So no matter how hard the times may be just know that it gets better and to give things you’re all no matter what. The biggest thing to keep in mind is to always challenge yourself because success stems from reaching to new heights which is what you have to do to live the life you are striving for. With passion determination and your goals in mind, your dreams will come true. Just like a camillian you transform for your environment, so don’t be afraid of change. Change is inevitable and you are fabulous at adapting! Overall just know that “what you think you become”, so continue to be positive and remember where you are trying to go in life and the track you must stay on to get there.


You are setting yourself up for failure! First thing you need to do is break up with, and distance yourself from your baby's father. You might be pregnant with his child but he is negatively impacting your mentality and that's not good for you or the development of the baby. Second thing you need to do is get yourself back into the classroom immediately. This tutoring program is not working for you and you know it. You need be in the classroom learning from a teacher because that's how you learn best. Third, start applying for scholarships now! There's a lot of money out there set aside for high school students who graduate on time. You are a beautiful, intelligent, young woman. There's a better life waiting for you and the sooner you realize how important education is, the sooner you'll get to this better life. If you knew what I knew now, you'd do as say and not as I did.


Make more time for my personal life, dont take on to many tasks at once, dont stress on a lot of things, enjoy life and appreciate every moment of it. Dont ever lose my drive, continue to be ambition, and to love the person that i am


I would tell myself to not stress so much about grades and to enjoy more activities. I would say to get involved more your freshman year with clubs and greek organizations. Also I would advise my high school self to branch out from just my group of friends from home.


Life does not begin and end in high school. The way things are today is not the way things will even be five years from now. The age that you go to college is irrelevant. It is more important that you attend college and graduate. Life as you know it, will change all the time and will be different than how you pictured it. Be ready to get out your map and find a new route to your goal. But, at the end of the day you are going to be fine, actually more than fine. Continue doing what you are doing and remember that the sky’s the limit for your dreams, goals and ambitions. Get involved in the school through clubs and volunteer opportunities. You will see in the future how these activities will enrich your life. To help find your place in the world experience as much as possible from live performances to cultural events, travel, and learn a language. Never worry about trying out to many things it helps you decide what you will become passionate about. College is short and life is long. In the end it is adversity that will make you strong.


Don't worry. Even though life is tough right now all of your dreams will come true, you'll just have to work even harder.


A transition like this will never come easy. You will get hurt along the way, but those who are loyal will help you through it. You will meet people with the same intrests as you and you will get to know some very great people. You will enjoy yourself and be content knowing you have a chance to do what you love. Nothing ever comes easy and you will understand it more as time goes on. Trust in yourself and do what you think is right.


The most important piece of advice I would offer would be to follow my instinct. I would encourage myself to follow every interest and attempt everything. My mother has always said that “you only lose, if you don’t try” and “you shouldn’t settle for the first choice, but try for what you want, even if it seems impossible”. The transition to college may seem hard at first, but if you are happy with the decision you made,with what you are accomplishing, and where you are, you will enjoy the journey. Knowing what I know now, I would convince myself that college is the perfect time to experience new things and discover all the possibilities of the future, all you need to do is open yourself up to experience and dedicate yourself to everything college has to offer. Sometimes that involves not only studying, but also participating in the community and campus. I would tell myself to open up to the people and environment that college has to offer.


The best advice I would give myself is that Focus 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} , design is my life and I live and breathe it . I would have stayed a bit more focussed in my work and learned more. I know I beat myself up about having a learning disabilty but i work so hard so that i don't feel sorry for myself. I belive like everyone else I have an equal oppertunity to learn. I wish I would have made the friends I have at school now from the begining . It was a hard transistion but after the first year my friends became a family to me . School is the foundation of your career you learn alot about what you will do in the field. Friends are good to have but know that there is a time and place foreverything don't let friendship be your down fall. Always stay positive and know you can acheive any and everyting you put your mind to. Remember what you want and go after it let nothing stop you and always stay on the right track in the begining it's hard but in the end it will get better.


College represents the first time students are given a choice where they'll go to school. Everyone who is going to school with you made a conscious decision to be in the same place that you are now. It's a time to embrace the similarities you share and make connections that can serve you in the future. College can be your chance to go outside of your comfort zone and meet new people who challenge your views on important issues. It allows you to break away and take time to create your own view of the world apart from the views instilled in you by your parents and best friends back home. Allow yourself to learn outside of the classroom and don't spend your first weeks worrying about making new friends. Instead, find a club to join, go to events, and friends will appear. A lot of people go to college and try to be a new person on the first day, but if you don't try you'll find that by the end of your four years there, you'll be a new person all on your own. Give it time and college will change you.