Currently, I am in my second year of college setting out to obtain my Associate Degree of Nursing to become an RN. After that I plan on transferring to obtain my BSN and then getting a Masters in nursing but I'm not sure which field yet. From only two years of college I have had plenty of valuable experiences. I have a sense of what it's like to be on your own and having to work hard for what you want. This has made me a stronger and harder working person for it. I know things in life are never handed to you and if you want to be successful you will have to strive for everything you want to achieve, not sit around and wait for it to come your way.
It has been valuable to attend because not only have I gotten the education and knowledge I need, I have made friendships with many people who I wouldn't have met if I hadn't attended college. With each person different, I have learned many valuable things from all of them and their college experiences as well. I wouldn't trade this experience for the world.
The first thing I have gotten out of my college experience is my education. I feel that this school is one of the best schools to go to for fashion design. I have learned from the best professors and they have furthered my passion for designing. I feel that if I want to succeed in the fashion industry then I need to learn from the best and that is exactly what I am doing. I have also gotten oppurtunities out of my college experience. I have been able to meet with designers, have internships, and volunteer at fashion week. The school has given me so many oppurtunites to further my career and I have just had to take them. They try so hard to get you out there and fullfill your dreams. I also have been able to meet and network with a lot of people. There are over 80 different clubs at the school and I can proudly say I am a member of 3. This has allowed me to meet and be involved with other students who are just as passionate as I am. I love that I am constantly surrounded by people who are just like me!
My College experience is not over yet, but with my Failures have comme Success. Success in adapting, followed by making a difference. I appreciate the American Way where these differences can be, and are qualities. Encouragement and belief. No fear of passing on the knowledge. Thirst for multiplying the production of your own ideas. I can now see the road I wish to walk.
Hopefully my only fear of being stopped by financial incapibilties will see an end...
Most Classrooms overlook the streets of New York City as well. And it is the soulful vibes of my City who have made me grown. It is the ethnic vibes of my City who have made me wise. It is the mighty vibes of my City who have made me, me.
I got a great foundation to start my career off with. I dont think if I would have attended any other school I would be as prepared as I am today to start a career in the competitive fashion industry.
Working with professors that are currently working professionals is the most valuable asset to this school. Not only was I able to receive some outside freelance work from the professors that cared about me, but I was able to get valuable insight on the industry as it is today. Working professors are also amazing because they provide a practical overlay to the theoretically driven curriculum. The interdependence of these two levels of learning has taught me how to process raw information and turn into something that is my own. You can neither rely on practical learning nor rely on theoretical learning. The most important lessons I've learned involve melding the two together. This is something that I would not have been able to learn that at any other college.
I have discovered a different part of myself . I've discovered that I'm creative and outgoing. Being in New York City has helped me come out of my shell and experience the world around me. If the campus was anything but NYC- I would still be that small town girl from Suwanee, GA. Attending FIT has enriched my life in so many ways. It's allowed me to express myself through my photography, fashion, and dance. I have found myself in so many ways.
Coming out of my small country town I grew up dealing with strong rasism thinking it was just part of daily life. FIT and NYC has taken me in and made me feel at home- even in a city of 8 million people. The school is accepting, diverse and strong. FIT is preparing me for my future with internships and career sessions. It has opened me up to a new way of life. I'm independent, strong, happy, and feel accepted.
With todays crushing economy, it is crucial to have a post secondary education or college degree. Many job fields and skill trades demand an education and degree in order to be hired. With the desire to become a police officer, I have been faced with the reality that a degree is a must. Going to college the past few years I have learned much in the way of an education but also that the experiences are much more effective as well. I have learned to be more independent and get the obstacles in front of me accomplished on my own. I have become more of a leader in taking care of myself and also that helping others in school is very important because you might need their help later down the road. This experience and break to reality was the most important and very valuable to me in the fact that I would still be very dependable on my parents and others for help in life and wouldn't be as successful than I am on my own.
I have gotten a lot of knowledge from my college experience so far. I am currently studying interior design and I have learned so much so far. I have also gotten a different outlook in terms of my art. The instructers at FIT work with the students to help them turn design ideas into reality so that in the real world, we will be better off when working with clients. It has been valuable to me to attend college because without the background I am getting now, I don't believe that I would be able to go as far as I know I can now go.
I have been a mechanic since I was 14 in all areas that you can think of. With all the experience that I have, this is actually my first opporitunity to go to school and get an actual education. I have gotten so much out of attending UTI and when I graduate I will not only be certified in many areas but will have yet another area in mechanics to add to my resume. The best choice I made for myself and family was to continue my education for financial stability and to be honest its what I love to do! I want to be the best at what I do and there is no way I could do that without attending this school.
My college experience was very different than most freshmen. For the first time in their life, freshmen feel free from the restraints of their parents, and they can do whatever they like. Well, I was a single parent as a freshman and could not do whatever I wanted. My daughter was just a baby when I started attending FIT. I have to admit that it was stressful at first. As the years went by, I started to feel more confident about myself and my situation being the only parent in all of my classes. I was able to bring my daughter to school when my mother could not babysit. The professors did not mind. She was almost 4 when I graduated and everyone knew her. She became the youngest college student on camput! The students as well as the staff helped me gain my own independence and I became more mature. I went out of my way to meet new people and join clubs. I enjoyed experimenting and experiencing new things. I also made mistakes. It was ok to make mistakes as long as I learned from them. Overall my experience was memorable.