To some degree this stereotype is accurate, but people fail to see the diverse population that Gettysburg does have. Gettysburg's population is comprised of students from at least 33 different states and 19 countries. For a small, liberal-arts college, I would say that it is becoming more and more diverse each year. It is one of the college's goals and initiatives.
It is true for about 50-60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the campus. Gettysburg is not a flagship school for campus diversity, but there are a fair number of kids from different backgrounds, and the college is working really hard to diversify.
As with all stereotypes, they are in some cases true, although there exists along the spectrum of students a wide variety of people, some who fit into stereotypical categories, and some who do not. There are the wealthier students who are not riding entirely on scholarships and student loans; likewise there are students who depend completely on financial aid to attend Gettysburg. There are students who spend entire days in the library, just as there are students who pull all-nighters before every exam. There are lots of extraordinary people on this campus, but not all of us are into white-water rafting or working on finding a cure for AIDS, as the website might lead you to believe.
Essentially, no matter what stereotype you think you might belong in, you will find your niche here. And if you white-water raft, you might even find your way onto our website. If you don't think you're "special," don't be intimidated. Normal people go to school here, too.
Pretty much. The school is largely conservative, and it can get difficult to tell all the blonde ugg-wearing northface wearing girls apart. I wonder how they have any sense of style outside of what they've been told to wear. They also party a lot and their parents throw money at them. However, while that is the majority of the student population, there is a healthy population of dorks, hippies, and other cliche cliques to join. If you come here and think that you're surrounded by idiots, don't fear, just look around and you'll find some good people to chill with.
In the extreme, no. In the general sense, yes. Having come from a very diverse high school I instantly noticed how homogenous the student body is: mostly white, fairly preppy, nice cars. However, we must remember that not everyone is like this. We could do to have more diverse backgrounds at the school, but we aren't a lost cause in any sense. I must also remember that I am part of this commonality; I'm white, middle to upper-middle class, I have my own car, I bought three polo shirts last week and I attended a prep school. But I think if we all start to look more at who we really are not what image we project, that - in and of itself - will make a huge difference in the community.
As far as being a friendly and open community I definitely think that sterotype is true; the majority of people I've met - students and teachers - are lovely people.
yeah these are 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} accurate. We like to get fratty cause thats all there is to do at school.
There are always going to many different types of people. I do agree we have the J.Crew type here, but it is by no means the majority or the only people who attend the school. There's a place for everyone.
while you do find many cases where these stereotypes are true, it does not reflect the campus as a whole
Even though many students consider gburg "J-Crew U," there are other types of people and everyone can find a place to fit in.
Yes but there are also a lot of people that dont fit these stereotypes