I don't think so anymore. Definitley not as a whole campus. There are of course some people who fit into the stereotype, but most people I know have a finiancial aid package and are very down to earth.
In some cases yes, but you really need to look closer because there are so many different students with different backgrounds and styles!
I would honestly think it depends on your group of friends/who you choose to associate with. Such stereotypes can be proven true many other schools (even of different sizes) not just Gettysburg.
This is true for the majority, but there is a group for everyone here.
Accurate to a certain point, but definetly a wide range of peoples from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds. Diversity among professors, students, and staff has definetly increased within the past few years. People are very friendly and easy top approach and carry on detailed, intelligent conversation with.
In regards to the 'party school' classification, yes Gettysburg has 11 fraternitines with their own houses and 6 sororities (sororities do not have houses), but whether or not you want to get involved in Greek life is entirely your decision. Despite the stigma associated with Greek life, it is a large part of the college community and all organizations are actively involved in philanthropy and sponsoring a variety of all-campus events throughout the year. Also, if you choose to remain independent you will definetly not feel left out of Greek or non-Greek events.
Unfortunately there are a lot of students who the stereotypes do apply to. It is true that many students at the college come from wealthy families and their lifestyle is very different from the townspeople in Gettysburg. However, taking time to know most of the students shows that we are a very caring student body. Many of my friends and fellow classmates are somehow involved with giving back to the community through community service. Us college students are very involved with the community in one way or another. Greek life donates time and money to the community. The student athlete advisory committee (SAAC) participates in food and clothing drives in the community as well. From afar these stereotypes seem to be true, but taking the time to know the students proves that they are not always correct.
to some extent, yes.
The stereotypes are accurate to an extent. There certainly are some people on this campus like that, but the vast majority are not. Most people here are very nice, down to earth and work hard academically.
80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} accurate
They came about somehow, didn't they?