Gettysburg College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Gettysburg College accurate?


These stereotypes aren't accurate- over 60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of Gettysburg's students receive financial aid, and the average financial aid package is about $26,000. While some students pay full freight to come to Gettysburg, most do not. I have friends who can't afford tuition but are here on full rides.


The stereotype applies to about 70{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body.


I believe that we do not accept enough students from low income backgrounds. Three quarters of our campus does not even apply for student aid, and only half of the quarter who DO apply for aid receive it. I do not feel like I fit in sometimes because I am of a lower social class than the majority of the students who attend Gettysburg College.


The stereotypes are accurate to an extent. Yes, there are a lot of students who are wealthy and the campus does look like it could be featured in a J. Crew catalogue, but not everyone fits that description. Gettysburg is very generous in terms of financial aid in making sure that anyone who is qualified can afford to come here and we have very active diversity groups, like the Black Student Union, SALSA (an organization for Hispanic students), the Women's Center and the Intercultural Resource Center.


To a certain degree, yes. However, every college has wealtly students, they ones at Gettysburg dont dodminate the scene.


Some instances.


Certain parts of these stereotypes are true, such as many students here are part of the upper class of society. Nonetheless, all students have to work hard to get good grades and would not remain in this institution without working hard academically. There are many parties that go on at Gettysburg, but not all students chose to partake. There are other aspects of the Gettysburg social life other than fraternity parties.


to a degree, but you will find a mix at every school


to some degree, that stereotypes didn't just make themselves up. but i think that is a minority of students. i know at least, from a athletic perspective, there is a large majority of students who work really hard for everything they have, and a proud of all they accomplish.


For the most part, it is a mostly white school and mostly upper class. However, while some students are spoiled, there are plenty of students from wealthy backgrounds who do not flaunt their money or act if they are better then other students