Gonzaga University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Gonzaga University know before they start?


Go on campus visits, a student can feel if it's right or not just being around the buildings and the students who go there.


encourage students to do their homework and learn time management


Finding the right college can be very stressful for parents and students. The first thing a student should do when searching for the perfect college is to make a list of qualities "their" campus must have. Size, location, and possible majors are three aspects to look closely at. However, the best way to find the right school is to go visit. For me, seeing the intramural fields lit up and being played on at 10pm, the banners throughout the university reading, "educating the people the world needs most", and the friendliness of all the students I met made my decision. It is important the student can see themselves making this campus a home. Once at the school, the best way to make the most of the college experience is to get involved. Join an intramural team or the student body government, become a resident assistant, get an on campus job, or volunteer through a school program. Through these activities, students meet other students with similar interests and form strong friendships. Getting involved in campus activities makes the student become an active member of the school community.


Let the student decide for himself. The most important thing is that the student take ownership of his/her decision and is going to put academics first. Fun and friends will naturally follow.


I would advise students looking for the college that suits them best to be honest with themselves with what they are looking for. Weather is key - if you are not a fan of the snow or cold, realize that even though a potential school may be great, you most likely will not thrive as well as you're capable of.


Remember that this is the place that you're going to live. Do not just consider only the academic bonuses that your school will offer you, but if you could consider this place a home. If you're not having a decent living experience, it doesn't matter how great your education is.


Almost anywhere where you go is going to have a good program for whatever degree you want. You should pick a school that fits what type of environment that you want to be around. While education is important, so is quality of life and happiness. Most schools get people to come because of their reputation, but I really think that most eduaction levels at most colleges are pretty equal.


The attitude of the students on campus, is commonly the feel of the whole university. The university rubs off on the students-- so a warm student population is a good sign of what is to come in the classroom and other activities. Make sure you are comfortable with the class size, residence hall options and activities available, because these will be where friendships are formed; if you are uncomfortable it will be harder and less likely for these vital relationships to be formed. Of course, this will be a life-changing experience so have fun, and do a little thinking before making your final decision.


pick the one that makes you feel the most comfortable. that way you will be best suited to follow whatever path you choose remebering that it may or may not change along the way.


I think wherever you choose to go has to feel like home. The first time you visit, or on move-in day you should feel overwhelmingly happy and comfortable. Many people choose a school because it looks good on paper or its their "dream" school. If I have noticed one thing about the whole college process, those dream schools don't always end up having all the things you end up wanting in a school. Going to college is about academics, but it is also about growing up and finding yourself. You can't do all of those things unless you are in a place that makes you happy.