Gonzaga University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Gonzaga University know before they start?


To just take it easy. Stop stressing about trying to make every person like you. Instead focus on being myself, and all of a sudden people will like you more for not trying so hard. Also, its ok if they dont like you, becasue the friends that you do make will be the better than you can even imagine! Also, its ok to have some fun, caring about school is important, but the most important lesson you are about to learn is to balance your life. All aspects of your life need to be balanced, but only you can decide what that perfect balance is. So just relax, live, learn, and take the ups with the downs!


I would tell myself not to ever feel like I have to be anyone but me. When you pretend to be someone else you will make friends that either wont last or that after a couple months you wont even like them anymore. Don't be fake, it's not who you are. You are a genuine person and don't feel like that has to change. Be proud of who you are and where you come from; you may of grown up a little different then everyone else have 6 siblings and being from a tiny town, but that is nothing to be ashamed of. You meet the best people in life when you aren't even trying, so just live life and let it happen.


Do not worry so much! Do not worry about roommate issues, do not worry about academic pressure, and do not worry about money. It will all work out for the best. Trust yourself and trust God. You have a firm foundation, so do not be afraid to grow!


Do alot of research, get good grades in high school to get the school you want. It will all pay off


Before you choose a school, visit it. Speak with students who are going there and alumni who have left. If you have an idea for a major, meet a professor in that field to understand what you will be doing. Once you find that school, get involved. Meet new people, and don't be afraid to step outside of your boundaries and try new things. Push yourself to be the best, and surround yourself with friends whom you love and cherish, and will hopefully know for the rest of your life. Don't waste a day, because you can never get it back. It will be the best four years of your life if you make it that.


To parents and students in the process of choosing a college, I would definitely suggest visiting all the schools you are seriously considering. When visiting, talk to as many people as possible, students and faculty included, and ask them direct questions you may have about the programs and the experience at the school. This is a great way to get a feel for the student body and determine whether a college would be a good fit for you. Once you get to college, I would really encourage you to take risks and get out of your comfort zone. This might mean joining a club that focuses on something you have always been scared to try, or befriending a hall mate who is the complete opposite of the friends you had in high school. Whatever you do, college is a time to take risks and learn about yourself. Whether you don't know what to do with so much free time, or you sign up for so many activities that you are overwhelmed, seize opportunities that interest you, but also be careful to maintain some balance in your life. Get involved, but also give yourself time to study and relax.


Visit the college and don't let the cost keep you from at least applying


I would tell students to make sure they find a college that represents who they are and what they are interested in becoming. It is important to visit a college before you decided to attend, because knowing the atmosphere of the campus is a huge factor of a well informed decision. Also, it is important to shadow some classes at the school you are considering. Find out if the class size is small enough for you to get enough one on one time with professors. Also you should tour the area around the campus to make sure you will like the city you'll be living in. These are all important factors to consider.


Go with your first instinct, and definitely talk to current students who go there. Visit a few times and try to sit in on a class if you can.


I would tell students to visit the college before they make their decision to attend. Being on the campus and seeing the college community in action can allow the parents and the students to decided if the college is the right one for them. To make the most of the college experience it is important to get to know everyone, especially in the first month. The more outgoing you are, the more people you will meet and the more friendships you will establish. Find people in classes to study with. And most importantly, get involved in at least one club or on campus group. Most colleges have a large number of clubs so pick one that interests you and be sure to be an active member. This is a great way to meet people. Also, live on campus for your first year. It's the best way to make new friends.