Gonzaga University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Gonzaga University know before they start?


academically first, then socially


Let the student make the decision, he or she is the one who's life is going to be spent at this place, not yours. The student should pay for at least part of the fees so they have some sense of ownership behind the college choice they are making. Don't be afraid to travel far away for school. Look for the best possible match and GO. Don't let money be an issue when choosing a school, take out a loan if you have to, make these 4 years worthwhile. Don't waste them. Have fun, but be midful of your coursework. Once you make your decision, stick with it and live the dream. Make sure that you make the right choice and run with it. Find out about course offerings and talk to current students and get them to honestly tell them what they dislike about the school and also find out what they genuinely like. Campus catalogs are going to portray themselves in a positive light, really dig down into the details and make sure that you are making the right choice.


In order to find the right college, be sure to go and visit the campus and talk to as many students there as possible to gain a better understanding of what the people are like there. In order to maximize your college experience, try and meet as many people as you can and try and meet others who are different from you. Join campus clubs and organizations and just enjoy the time you have at college becasue it goes by FAST!


Look at many, apply to many, go with a gut feeling. When you're there, does it feel like a place you could call home for 4 years? is it far enough away from home to be independent, but close enough ( or accessible enough) to go home for holidays and summer vacation? How's the financial aid? is the alumni network strong?


Prospective students should sit down with their parents AND close friends and create a list of not only what they are looking for out of a college experience, but also what experiences they need day to day. There are many excellent academic colleges and universities throughout the United States, however if they lack the social and/or personal needs of a student, it will not make for a rewarding fit. Identify what your core values are and choose a college that reflects and embraces those same values.


Think outside the box, outside the state, and within your price tag. Your college experience is so much more than your time spent in the classroom. Going off on your own, letting your kids go, experiencing life through new eyes as young adults is one of the most important aspects of going off to college. Moving to a new area opens your mind to new and different things; the desert of Phoenix Arizona is totally different from the winters of Spokane Washington. Make sure it is affordable, look at the feedback from student?s because their word is the one you should trust, not the schools.


It is so important to visit the universities that you're considering. There is a palpable feeling or chemistry that you can sense when you're on campus...it either feels right or it doesn't. Pay attention to that impression. I feel that it's very important to make a college choice based upon your individual impressions, and choosing a school because friends will be attending can be a mistake. Once on campus, you will make the most of your college experience by being open-minded, while holding fast to your personal convictions. Allow yourself to spend time with people who are different....different backgrounds, political and regilious views, etc. You will become a much better rounded person by gaining understanding of their perspectives. Become involved with your university community. While it's true that you are in college to pursue academics, it is critical that you maintain balance and spend time with recreation, friends, and personal interests.


I would definitely recommend that students and parents visit schools before applying. Especially if you are unsure of top choices, visiting is a great way to see what the student body is like and get first hand accounts of life on campus. It can also be a fantastic opportunity to meet with professors and learn more about specific programs of interest. I would also suggest making the decision based on what is right for you personally. It can be alluring to attend the school a family member attended for the sake of keeping up tradition, or to pick the same school as your best friend. However, ultimately this is a choice that will have big impact on your life, therefore it should be your decision. Once you get to college, get involved! Play a sport or join a club that sounds interesting. You will automatically feel more connected. Alos, keep an open mind. You will meet a lot of people similar to yourself, and many with entirely different backgrounds and perspectives. Use it as a learning opportunity. Most of all, study hard, play hard, and remember to call your family. These are the best years of your life!


Research the school you want to go to!


It is essential to make an effort to visit the campus of your choice before applying. I had never heard of Gonzaga until my mom mentioned it to me. The second I stepped on campus, I knew that was where I wanted to spend the next four years of my life. Had I not visited, I would have ended up somewhere else. It is important to research and take advice from others on where to go, but also listen to your instincts. You won?t get as much out of your college experience if you attend a school someone else wanted you to go to. To make the most out of your college experience, don?t be afraid to try something new. Make new friends, sign up for campus activities, attend plays and lectures that aren?t required, and show your pride for your school by being present at sporting events. College is about getting a good education, but it?s also about being an integral part of the whole college atmosphere. Whether or not your name will be remembered years later, knowing that you were involved in more than just classes will make your experience there more memorable.