Gonzaga University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Gonzaga University know before they start?


I would tell myself as a high school senior to make sure that you put forth the effort and become active. Become active in the clubs and activities that are provided by the University and if there isn't a club that already does what you're into, then start one. I would tell myslef to volunteer more, to not only develop relationships with my fellow students, but also with my professors. I would tell myslef that going through college isn't about survival, it's about enriching your life and the best way to do this is to become involved. I would also tell myself to trust more in your instinct. You may not know much now, but you do have phenomenal gut instincts so trust them and don't worry so much about being incorrct.


It has been valuable to attend college because not only have I been able to expand my knowledge but I have been able to familiarize myself more with the real world. I have been able to constructively give out and receive criticism as well as interact with peers my own age outside of a party scene. I have gotten a sense of responcibility out of going to college. I feel responcible for my own future because of college and I know that I am the only one that can make my future a succesful one.

I learned many valuable facts and imformation, but I also learned how to be the type of person I want to be. I was taught I to take the things I've learned and apply them to my set of beliefs and values. The service based a learning and rounded education allowed me to learn that I want help people, and my education can help me do that.


My college experience has helped me find out more about who I am as a person. Since attending Gonzaga, I've enjoyed many of my own personal life experience with my friends and my education. The friends I've met at Gonzaga are similar to me and serve as a constant reminder to me, about why I left Utah for Gonzaga. I've develped great relationships with friends at Gonzaga that I never developed in high school. Gonzaga has also helped me get closer to discovering a major I would like to undertake. By professors recognizing some of my strengths in my core classes and by me talking to my professors about directions I should go, I have been able to narrow down a few fields that I might be interested in going into. Gonzaga has also been valuable to me because it's challenging. During the last two years of high school I was able to get 4.0's easily and school became pretty meaningless to me. At Gonzaga I have had to struggle, fight, and not give up in order to regain my status of getting good grades, it's nice to have a challenge.


Thus far, I have learned the importance of managing my time. It is crucial to have a balance between any other activities or obligations outside of school. Moreover, I overestimated how much time I had to do everything required by my classes, so I saw fit for me to have fun, too. My discipline has developed through my studies, and from punctuality. I had several setbacks during this semester, which is almost over. My car needed over one-thousand dollars worth of repairs, and my job inundated me with the amount of hours that they were scheduling me during this semester. However, through these setbacks, they taught me that determination and longsuffering will eventually help me to reach my goal. It has also been valuable to attend my classes because the information I learned throughout this semester is information I can and will take with me in the real world. For example, my Speech class will make me feel at ease in everyday life because I have gained the skills and techniques to speak effectively in public. I now know from my Psychology 101 class that the brain is complex, not just mush that is there to think.


So far, I have learned that it if I need support, all I need to do is ask! The professors at Gonzaga are willing to help out and are super flexible, which has made the transition from high school to college much easier!


Because I have been attending a community college, I have had to get a job and commute to school. This, along with being on my college's Cheerleading squad, is a lot to handle. It has taught me the importance of hard work, of time management, and has made me straighten my priorities. Without going to a community college, I would not have learned to value the things I have had to work so hard for, and to be able to juggle so many things in my life. It has also opened my eyes educationally. Being a political science major, the college atmosphere is a great place to learn new ideas, and hear from another's point of view. In college, we are finally able to break free from our parent's opinions and search for our own, and this newfound freedom is so liberating in a college atmosphere. College is a wonderful time in adolescent life, and in the one and a half years I have been here, I have learned so much already.


Going into college is a huge transition in one's life; and can be scary, exciting and overwhelming. When I first said goodbye to my parents and family, and was actually on my own for the first time, I did not not know what to do with myself. I am now a junior at Gonzaga Univeristy, and I could not be happier. Thus far from my college experience I have gained a new knowledge of freedom and independence, new life-long friends and memories, as well as an education that will help me to succeed in the future. Without a doubt in my mind I would encourage all high school students considering college to, at the very least, give it a shot. College is where you continue to develop as an individual, and where you gain a new self-determination and confidence that is valuable in all aspects of life. College is a time to have fun, meet new people, and engage yourself whole heartedly. College is has been an excellent experience and is most definately valuable to attend.


Participating in an online educational program has been rewarding. I have learned a great deal about non-verbal communicaton and the value of self-motivation. While learning, I am able to stay at home with my children and fulfill my dreams. At the very least, my college experience has provided me with an outlet for self-expression. Because I am on my own, and do not feel as if I am in a competition with other students, I feel free to express myself in my work and found it to be satisfactory. In its unique way, my education has lifted my spirits and inspired me to dream.


I earned my GED believing that this was the highest educational accomplishment available to me. I believed what others told me about myself: that I was stupid, lazy, and worthless. When I took the scary first step of becoming a college student, however, I became a better person. I was terrified at the thought of taking math and science classes because I believed the subjects to be too difficult for me. However, my math and chemistry instructors, Mr. Jasso and Mr. Knutsen respectively, made my first attempts at algebra and chemistry fun. They alleviated my fears and instilled confidence in my abilities. I earned my very first 4.0 GPA in the first quarter I attended. I have since kept my GPA well above 3.5, making it possible to become a member of the international honor society, Phi Theta Kappa. I am the president of our college chapter of Phi Theta Kappa currently. The instructors at Green River Community College gave me the confidence to push myself, and the support necessary to believe that I can achieve any goal I set for myself.