If given the opportunity to speak to myself as a high school senior with the experiences and knowledge that I have gained in my first year of post-secondary education, I would simply say, "Use your summer break to find yourself." By this I mean to take the time off that high school seniors have before college to reflect on themselves. Take time to think about who you really are, what your interests are, and think about the type of person that you are or would like to be. Don't freak out about not being completely sure about what you want to study. That's what college is for. While in college you will start to form opinions about everything in life. You will form opinions that are your own, not those that your family raised you with, but ones that you, as an individual, truly believe and are passionate about. While in college you will be exposed to many different ideas of thought and you will meet many people. Enjoy the ride to finding more out about yourself and the journey of college. It's a fun adventure.
Learn to pick up good study habits and don't slack off. Procrastination never helped anything. Also, get to know your teachers because someday they may be good references. Money does not grow on trees. Save your money and also apply to every scholarship you can.
I would give myself the advice to live in a freshman dorm rather than a specialty dorm. This would have allowed me to be placed with students my own age to study with rather than upperclassmen and would have made the transition to college easier.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to gain and maintain the best study habit possible. College is NOTHING like how you thought it would be and your high school habits aren't going to cut it in college. I would also tell myself to seperate yourself from others. Its your time to gain your own personal identity and really discover who you are and you don't need old things being throw back in your face or hendering you from being all you can be.
Don't take high school forgranted. As simple as that. Work harder because the hard work will benefit you your freshman year of college. Pick up beneficial studying habits because without them, passing exams later on will be difficult. Actually do the homework with vivid thought processes because even though you 'think' you will never see it again- you will. Last but not least, set your short and long term goals now. Say to yourself how important this education is to you everyday, know how lucky you are to have one, and set goals to not only better yourself but hopefully ones that will benefit other people or things as well. This determination will help with the adjustment between high school and college. Starting motivational talk to yourself now will only aid that fire inside you, and help it perservere through the curveballs and difficult tasks college may throw at you.
Take more chances. You have messed up in the past and thats ok. You can recover. Life is not all that bad. Not everyone does well. Everyone doesn't get 3. whatever. Spend the money and get help. You don't have to do it alone. Have some faith in youself. Take better care of youself. Gain some real confidence.
Get on taking the SAT as soon as possible. Do not procrastinate putting in college applications and take advantage of College Go Week. Go to the school that has the most to offer, do not just follow high school friends to their schools. This is your life you are working for, not theirs. Make your own decisions.
I would say that i would have stay in school while growing up. It's harder to stay in school without a role model and parents by your side. Now I choose college because it's important for todays learning and knowledge of other things and people. School is important because it can be rewarding and you can learn alot of new things and ideas while acheiveing your degree. The advice I would give myself is that an education is important for todays society and growing people in todays world.
If I could go back in time and give myself advice about making the transition to college as a freshman, I would say the most important thing is time management. By having the skill of time manangement, it will allow you to allocate between study time and leisure time. Most freshman in college tend to forget this and spend most of their time partying. If you know how to balance your work and study habbits in between classes and on the weekends, you'll be another step closer to being successful. Another thing I would give myself advice about is to check my class syllabus's daily. Most professors don't remind you about upcoming things that are due so it's very important to stay on top of everything. The last thing I would tell myself is just to enjoy college and make the most of it. Remember why you're here in the first place and what you're trying to accomplish in life. Set a few goals for yourself before the semester starts and work realy hard to acheive those goals by the end of the semester. If you fail don't give up just try harder.