Indiana State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Indiana State University know before they start?


Education can be compared to a burning candle. There is only a limited duration of time available to reach a desired spark, and if not accessed properly, it will ultimately burn out. With that said, college is a remarkable outlet to feed this precious flame, to hopefully allow growth and to strive for success, in one's own personal definition. College has taught me to be more dilligent, responsible, cooperative, patient, helpful, and humble. These are distinctions that aid in the evolution of an average citizen to a hardworking community asset and contributor and also provide a chance to attain a more prosperous and fulfilled quality of life; This suggests the necessity and value of attendeding a higher academic institution, such as college. I look forward to hopefully hearing from campusdiscovery in the near future and I'd love to thank you for your time. Thus to whomever this may concern at campusdiscovery, please grant an opportunity to thoses who thirst for an educated and brighter future, even if it further happens not be this particular applicant.


My college experience that I've obtained from attending Indiana State is not one that I dreamt about as a junior and senior in high school. I always dreamt about going to a large school with huge athletic events to attend and many social events to participate in. That's not the case now. ISU is a very quiet campus for having about 13,000 students attending the school. That can be good and bad at times. I got a lot of studying done, and met many people with the same aspirations as me who will continue to be my friend for years to come. The teachers here are great at working with students one on one to help them achieve their personal and educational goals. Even though the school is quiet, it's great to attend because the help to go far in life is available through easy contact with all of the professors, and through a lot of the programs the school has to offer. The help is much more personalized and direct. I'm thankful for havng attended this school, it has helped me learn how to better organize my social life and academic life.


Out of my college experience, the number one vaulable thing I believe I have gotten is my knowledge. I have learned so much than I thought I would from some wonderful teachers, and I can only learn more as my years progress. Also, the friends I have made are the closest people to me at the moment besides my family. They have been there for me since the first semester and our friendships have only grown stronger. I feel the best thing for me to cherish though, is how mature I've grown since leaving high school. College put me into a reality check, and I have grown up from a childish person with future goals to a determined man to strive for the excellence I desire. College has taught me how life truely is, and that I can't just give up on my self no matter how difficult the task at hand.


So far I've gotten a really good experience. I got to do an internship at my dream job of Disney. Well I am doing it now and having a really good experience. Being at this school has really helped me grow up and focus more on my future and has taught me to plan ahead and form a life plan, although the tuition and housing costs are extremely high, I just keep praying that the Lord will make a way for me to pay for it all.


I want to work as a professional and ISU has a good Dietetics program.


So far I have been able to become a member of the Student Nursing Assistant comittee, and Spring Week comittee, and through those groups I have been able to learn and love diversity, practice on my social skills, become a student leader, and blend well in student group activities. I believe that it will be important for people to learn about multicultures in the future, because of the increase in migration in the United States. It is also good to be able to balance being a leader, and a group member at the same time because if one attribute becomes stronger, the other one will lack.


the best thing i have gain from my college experience would have to be the responsibilty . its something about being on my own; being totally responsibily for my action really made me understand adult hood .


You need to make sure you are ready to leave your family and friends. Ask someone who is going to the same college to be your roommate. It will make you well a little more comfrontable.


You are not going to stick with just one major. You might change your major 5 or 6 times before you decide to stick with it. College is not usually completed in 4 years, you will spend 5 or 6 years there if not more. You might hate waking up early but if you have morning classes make sure you go to bed right after American Idol is over. Make sure you study well in advance over the semester, procrastinating and not studying until the night before an exam makes you doomed to fail. Do not go out every night, you will spend lots of money and end up missing class in the morning from being too tired to wake up. Live on campus at least one semester, if you don't you're missing out on a lot. Take your notes on a laptop, it makes them a lot easier to print out. Make sure you have a flash drive it will be your best friend. Always have a buddy in your class in case you are not there to make sure you know what is going on. Professors do not teach directly from the textbook.


As a high school senior, I was very stubborn and set in my ways. I was into partying and having fun, college was one of the last things on my mind even though I was registered at an area two year school. I believe I would go back and smack myself for starters, then I would explain to myself that the things I was doing will ultimately lead to a twelve year struggle. That struggle consisted of two failed attempts at college, as well as a failed marriage. On top of that, I received a diagnosis of a major neuromuscular disorder that only added to the problems. It took twelve years before I actually had a goal in mind, one that I truly believed I could reach with some hard work. If I could go back and explain to myself that without a goal, you will not get anywhere, that is what I would try to get through my thick skull at that time. The important fact about all of this however is that I am on the right path now, with a goal that I am closer and closer to achieving, I can almost see the finish line!