My advice to high school seniors, is to learn how to study. In high school, I, personally, did not know how to study because I really did not need to. However when I got to college I had to learn. Also, fill out as many scholarship opportunities that are availible because you never know what could happen while it college.
If I could go back in time and tell myself anything, I would tell myself to think really hard about what i want my major to be. I would tell myself that college is a great challenge and to stay as focused as possible. Also that if i work really hard I can go to the college of my choice.
If I had the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have much to discuss with my former self. The experience I have gained from college life, and making the transition from high school to college, has had numerous effects on the way I choose to live my life. To my former self, there is one piece of advice that I would give, and that would be to be open minded. My Freshman year at Indiana State University was an extreme culture shock for me; moroever, it was through the interactions with a diversity of people that helped me grow as an individual. These interactions have taught me the importance of differences and change. The reason why our society is so strong is because of the diversity that makes up our country. Every person comes to the table with different experiences and backgrounds, and in turn, this helps us to continually grow and advance towards new and higher things. In essence, to my former self I will say, be open minded and see the beauty in the differences of each and every individual.
If I could go back and find myself as a high school senior and tell myself anything that would help me with the transition to college, I would say, "Don't give up ad work hard everyday." Over the course of my two years in college, I have not worked the hardest that I could. I thought that since I am in college I could just coast. Obviously I was wrong. I have dug myself into holes that I have barely gotten out of, but it will never happen again. I wish it could have been that way from the beginning, but I learned from my mistakes and am moving on towards my goals.
I spent most of my time in my senior year in high school coasting. Now that I am over half way through my first semester in college, I wish I had made better choices. I should have taught myself to be more studious. I needed to learn how to spend a maximum amount of time reading through the textbook and notes. My biggest issue here at school is not allowing myself to procrastinate, and applying my time to books.
You can do it! Don't worry about how much it costs, you can get financial aid and scholarships. But definitely go to college! If you don't do well in college, you'll regret it the rest of you life. In high school, I thought having a job and making money was more important. Fifteen years later I hated my life and was not happy, that's why I'm back in college, and wish I would have just done it right the first time. I'm getting a Masters degree in the medical field and couldn't be happier. College is the best years of your life.
Boy, I know it will be hard to start college and be on my own. The teachers in college are not like high school teachers where they remind you of work that is due and check up on your progress. I know I will have to be self-motivated and a self-starter. As soon as school begins I need to spend my free time reading assignments, doing homework and start research for papers. There won't be any procrastinating and waiting for someone to ask me if I an working on my school work.
Remember self, you must be mature and resposible while attending college. Focus and don't tell myself that I can begin tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes when you put things off.
Work hard, have fun and learn alot.
If i had to opportunity to travel back in the and advice myself, i would have taken advanced placement classes to boost up my gpa, as well as joined a few more clubs so that my eyes could be opened up to a variety of new and interesting things that life has to offer. I would have stuck my head more in my books rather than hanging out with friends. I would have applied for a lot of scholarships within my junior year so that when the senior year drags along i would be set for college. Internships would have given me the extra boost i would need to get my mind familairized with my desired major which is accounting. I would be purse furthering my education, not limiting my capabiltiy or the opportunity to excel rather than counting the days until i was out of high school and into the "real world." Ive realized that eventhough i have gotten into the real world, there is nothing much that can be done without an education. The means of furthering my knowledge is just a click away, so why not grab hold of the opportunities while i still can?
If I could go back to being a high school senior, I would tell myself to worry less and live more. Don't worry about finding the right group of friends, making the perfect 4.0 gpa, or whether you will excel in your chosen career. These things will fall into place on their own without you fretting over them constantly. Have faith, let go, and see where life takes you.
I would say to myself, that things are going to change. School is much harder, you will make all new friends, and you will be doing things for yourself, and all of those silly things that you dreaded in high school will disappear. the transition to college is hard in the beginning because you have to find your way, but give it time and you will adjust just fine. break out of your shell and you will learn more about yourself in the next four years than you thought you knew about yourself. Have fun, be socialable, make new friends, and most importantly, school work must come first. This is the time to work hard, but also have fun as well. Just remember that college is helping you to become who you want to be in your future. Your career is waiting for you, you just have to find it.