Indiana State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Indiana State University know before they start?


The advice I would give myself would be to be first off...Dont be shy in class. It'll only drag you down! Ask questions and don't be afraid to feel like a fool because you are not the only one thinking or feeling that way. Second, be more open and friendly to people. You don't want to walk around campus and know no one. Third, this isn't high school, you just can't assume you'll breeze through every test and do amazing. Study hard, it'll pay off in the end. Lastly, don't judge people and don't care if people judge you. It doesn't matter what someone says about you, as long as you know where you're going and how you're getting there, then those people can just move aside.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself no matter how bad it got at home to stay there untill I graduated. Then Once I graduated I could go to whatever college that I wanted to go to. I would also tell myself to go apply to as many colleges and then decide on which one I would like to go to out of the one's I got accepted into. Another thing that I would let myself know would to take some of my classes online. Now that I am doing my schooling online I realized that it works better for my schedule, I wouldn't suggest my self to take them all online though because the interaction with other students is very important as well. This is what i would tell myself if I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior.


The two biggest things I wish I could go back and do in high school to prepare for college would be to volunteer in the community around me and to study more in high school general education classes. Volunteering in college was intimidating at first because I did not volunteer anywhere as a teenager. Colleges as well as companies looking to hire grad students always tell applicants that the best thing they can do is volunteer, get to know the community, and get experience ahead of time in the field they want to work in. Not only does it help land a job, but it also allows the individual build networks, make new friendships, and establish a better life in the community they want to eventually live in. Studying more in general education classes also would have helped prepare for college because one does not realize how much of that work translates or corresponds with the types of things you learn in college as a freshmen or a sophomore. Any extra knowledge or any further research a person can do in any of those areas, or even in subjects one is interested in for fun would help in college courses.


It's easy to look back and say you would do things different in a perfect world. And believe me, I'm no exception to that. But, I also think that my decisions back in high school have set me up for where I'm at now, so I have no regrets. Who's to say that if I had done things differently that I would be in a worse situation than I am now. I think the experiences I've had since making my choices in school have made me who I am today. I also think that those decisions will help me in the long run while attending school and my life afterwards. There's no use trying to change the past, just try to do what you feel passionate about and stick with your decision. Life meets no-one halfway.


First thing is first, get to know the people around you and your advisor. One of the most important things I have learned is that not to be afraid to "come out of your shell." If you are never vocal about yourself then you will never learn anything or know anyone and then you will start to beat up on yourself for that. It is always good to get know your professors and advisors because they are there for you when you need help the most because it is there job and they are more than happy to do it. Also, never be afraid to ask for help, it will pay out in the end.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to focus on the big picture. In high school, the most important thing to me was my social life. And although a social life is still important to a college student, it is not as important as motivation. Motivation is extremely important in everything a person does. At the high school level, one must have the motivation to strive for more than a prom king/queen title, or most popular title. Be motivated enough to get involved in different things. Get involved in the community, use teachers as a resource for higher learning and advice; that is what they are there for! In the real world, it's all about who you know, so start networking and maintain professional relationships.


Don't be afraid to keep your door open your freshman year. It may seem weird, but you will meet more people that way and keeping your door shut all the time makes you seem unfriendly. Also keep your trusting personality, but know that not everyone has your best intentions in mind, so trust your gut and don't be afraid to say no, even if it means you might spend a friday night alone once and awhile. Enjoy your time off while you have it. Try to remember to write down your assignments in class so you aren't constantly asking others if you have anything due, and try not to procrastinate, all nighters are no fun. Other than that just have fun and remember classes are why you are at college, but don't forget the social aspects of school as well. Try to find a good balance.


If I could go back to my high school self and give myself adivce for the future I would tell myself is not go to community college, make tons of friends, declare a major early, and have fun.


If I were to give myself advice as a high school senior, I would have told myself to work a little bit harder to be in the top ten instead of top twenty of my class concerning my GPA, so that I could have been eligible for more scholarships. I would have told myself to do more job shadowing so that I could really get a feel for what I wanted to major in at college. I would have told myself to save a little more money over the summer so that I could join a sorority my freshman year of college. I would have told myself to work on my study skills to be more efficient. Most importantly I would tell myself to be as involved as possible on campus while I?m there. You only get to experience college once, so make the most of it while you?re there.


As a high school senior I was more concerned with dance team and yearbook since I was a leader for both. If I could go back I would tell myself to take some of that time and dedication I was putting into dance and yearbook and look for scholarships. I should have been concentrating on part of my future also, money is my main concern with getting through school since I have no financial help from my parents and little from financial aid. Applying for scholarships in high school would have been the smart thing for me to do.