Iowa State University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I would have to say the biggest group would have to be SALT company. It is a huge church thing and tons of students go to it. I go as well and I just love it. Athletic events are very supported here at Iowa State. On a Saturday night I would go over to my boyfriends and watch a movie and hang out or go to a movie. I don't drink though so it doesn't matter to me. I have never drank in my life.


I'm in a sorority and I absolutely love it. I have so much fun getting involved and the opportunites that it offers me. I enjoy the close bonds I get the chance to have with other young women and the all the activities we do. Our service project is Run for the Roses and it was so much fun doing and knowing that we are helping out!


I do not leave my door open anymore after someone was randomly creeping through one of my friends rooms. I am in a sorority so that is very important to me and that is where I spend most of my time and getting involved with that. ALmost all of my friends are greek, in fraternities and sororites and I wouldnt have it any other way. I would say a large portion of people are greek. Maybe like 20{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}?


I enjoy my social outlet: the residence halls at Iowa State. Also, many academic programs and departments have student and/or professional organizations. Many people are involve din these. Greek life is influential, but not essential, to the Iowa State experience.


I would say that one thing that was prevalent on campus was drinking, especially beer. In the dead of winter people drank beer or stayed in and watched movies, there really isn't much else to do on a Friday and Saturday night. Usually, most students on the floor hung out together making it difficult living in farm away dorms to hangout with a negative 30 wind chill, but most dorms were pretty open. I lived in towers, and it was rare to have a floor where there room doors were all open and people walking from room to room.


I think Iowa State has an awesome social life. There are parties so if you are into that you can go party but there are so many other things to do rather than party. My friends and I have several movie nights in the dorms. We like to rent really old ones and stay up late watching them. We also have slumber parties where we bring in futon matresses and lay it on the floor so people can sleep on that. It's great time! There is always something fun to do on the weekends.


I'm Greek and I love it. The girls are amazing and you get to meet many fraternity boys and its just a great atmosphere. I also live in the dorms and it is a great way to meet people. Many leave their doors open so its a welcoming feeling.


tons of amazing traditions, veishea, tons of speakers and events, pizza is a big thing, afterdark= program for sober friday nights. . .


gotta love the Greek community and VEISHEA :)


The Greek system at Iowa State is a big organization on campus. There are also many clubs, intramurals, and groups that people can find something fun to do when they want to. People in the dorms, depending on the floor, leave their doors open, it is a great way to meet all the people on your floor.