GO GREEK!!!!!!! best choice of my life!
Dorms- depends on what dorm you are in but some students leave door open.
Athletic events are very popular- depending the sport and the opposing team
Campaniling happens each year- great tradition
Not a lot of inexpensive things to do on campus/in ames area for non-drinkers or people who don't wanna party.
I think the most popular organizations on campus are Greek houses. 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of Iowa State is greek, which is a significant number.
The greek community is one of the best parts of the University. In addition, I always enjoyed VEISHA and Homecoming events.
get involved. so many things are offered
Something good about the Iowa State location, is that it isn't far from the capital, which has lots of malls and good malls at that. It is always fun to take a trip out to Jordan Creek Mall with your friends for a little shopping.
Students in Maple Hall keep the doors closed.
People party quite a bit. There was never a weekend freshman-senior year that we couldn't find a place to go.
Intramurals are a big thing at Iowa State, and they are a fun way to get involved. There are always plays going on, bands playing, and guest speakers speaking. The biggest thing that I am involved with is my sorority. Being in a sorority is so much fun and I get to experience a lot more things that other students that aren't Greek at Iowa State don't get to experience. I would say that it is very important to be Greek. Iowa State does have one of the best Greek systems in the nation. Right now I live in the dorms. At the beginning of the year everyone kept their door open; however, now, most people keep them shut or just cracked a little. I think this happens because at the beginning of the school year everyone is out to make new friends and by the end, they have formed their clicks.
I am in a sorority. Sports are probably the most popular organization. they are pretty popular, but obviously football season and tailgating is the most attended event.
The most popular organizations on campus would be the fraternities and sororities. I am involved with Sigma Kappa Sorority. I do hold a position as Philanthropy chair. I inform the ladies of the sorority of what events are going on in the community and have them get involved. It is my job to plan an event. This semester it is for MADD (mothers against drunk driving). I have had a lot of help not just from my sisters in the house but also from the other greek houses. I am glad to be a part of the Greek community. I have met so many people and created great relationships.