I didn't get involved with any groups on campus because I worked while attending school, and simply did not have the time. I was however, involved in the greek life, and was extremely involved in my sorority. If I was awake at 2am on a Tuesday, I was probably eating pokey sticks with my sorority sisters on the floor of my room. Being involved in my sorority was enough for me, I didn't need any more extracurriculars.
What can you do on a Saturday night without drinking?....go to a movie, watch a movie at the house with sisters. Often times we would all just lay around and talk, and before we knew it, the night was half over. There are countless number of Saturdays when some of us just didn't feel like going out, and we would just hang out together.
As i mentioned before, i was an AOTT. i spent my freshman year in the dorms, and to this day the girl across the hall from me is a good friend. we did some dorm social events, and it depended on the time of day if doors were open. Usually from 3pm-8pm doors were open. The girls who lived around me were great, and we would hang out in each others rooms quite often, ordereing pizza, and being silly. Football wasn't so big, but basketball was, I was on the tail end of the Johnny Orr era. I remember hockey was fun to go to and had a good following! 2am on a Tuesday was usually a study group, or just hanging out goofing off. There was definaltely a party scene, every weekend, and Wednesday mug nite in campus town. i suppose that is where a lot of the dating scene happened, but it was also with social functions between the greek system, and classes.
As far as non alcholoic events, we'd sometimes go to the free friday night flick on campus or hit a movie, but honestly in college most weekends involved drinking.
Students living in the dorms do tend to leave their dorm doors open since that's an easy way to make friends. Athletic events at ISU are extremely popular and almost everybody goes to them. The traditions that I've participated in are the Veisha parade, the walk around Lake Laverne, Camponiling, and not stepping on the Zodiac!
When I was in school the Greek system was popular. Tailgating for football was a big thing.
Something for everyone no matter your interests.
Iowa State has a wide variety of groups and clubs. There is something for everyone. Our Greek system especially is pretty popular. I have really enjoyed being in the Greek system. I have met so many people and have been given so many more opportunities since I decided to go Greek.
When I lived in the dorms everyone left there doors open and I really liked it. Same as when I lived in a house. I liked all the theater activities and concerts.
I was a member if Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, which is actually how I found out about this survey. I made life long friends and memories with the ladies and gentlemen of the Greek Community. My employement was with ISU Dining-Catering which actually developed into my full-time position after graduation. I worked and lived with my best friends - by far the 2 best decisions I made while attending ISU.
I am involved with my sorority.
Iowa State is a great socializing school for everyone - no matter what you want to get involved in you can find people to do it. It's a safe place to be and party - Welch Ave. is a fun place - otherwise there are plenty of places close to campus to go since Ames is smaller community.