Iowa State University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


People party a lot at Iowa State University. I went out a lot Freshmen year, but now that I am a junior I am more focused scholarship and being successful in school.


There is ALWAYS something to do. If you don't like to party, they have dancing and bingo and dinner and movies...everything you can think of...and its usually free! When I lived in the dorms, doors were always open and the football/basketball games are some of the best memories you will make here. My closest friends are people I met in class and in my sorority. Tradition is a HUGE part of Iowa State, and two main events always come to mind. VEISHEA and Homecoming. Every student wants to be there and be part of it. If you are not in a Fraternity or Sorority, then they are no big deal. However, if you choose to join they become some of the fondest memories you can make while at college. You get to know so many more people than you probably would otherwise and there is always something going on if you are bored.


I think that dance marathon and relay for life are the most popular events on campus because of what they raise money for. They help others and I think a lot of people here enjoy doing things for others.


sometimes i love the dorms, and sometimes it sucks. people leave their doors open all the time, i love the close knit ties weve made with each other. my closest friends come from my dorm house Helser Haber and my amazing sorority Alpha Delta Pi. im very excited to celebrate VEISHEA for the first time this year. it is a week celebrating all of the colleges at iowa state and everyone goes to concerts, plays games, drinks, and has a great time


I think intermurals are very popular. I played on an intermural volleyball team and it was a blast! When I lived in Helser we left the doors open all the time but I've heard in the suites such as Eaton and Martin the doors are always closed. Helser was not a very nice dorm but it was A LOT of fun with great people! I went to almost every football game this year and tailgated before. I haven't gone to a basketball game though because tickets were sold out before I could purchase. I met my closest friends when I lived in the dorms and through my sorority. I believe fraternities and sororities are a very important part of ISU but my opinion may be a little biased. ;)


The Greek System is the largest system to be involved in here on campus. I am biased, but I feel like the greek system is a lot more active than anything else at Iowa State. I find it hard to sleep before 3:30am since I constantly pull all-nighters for my classes.


As I mentioned earlier, I was invloved in the Greek system and loved it. If someone wanted to join the Greek system there are many different sororities and fraternities to choose from Not all of them are the stereotypical versions that are portrayed on television or in movies. In fact the Greek system, strives for success. It is also very competitive for grades, on campus involvement and philanthropy. When I was a student, it was members of the greek system who were the leaders with VEISHEA, SAA, Cardinal Key, etc. Iowa State students have a tremendous amount of school spirit, and showing it at sporting events is very popular. Four of the five years I was there I was a season ticket holder for men's basketball and football. Many of my friends enjoyed the gymnastic competitions, volleyball matches , and wrestling meets. Often times I was in the mood to compete athletically, but did not have the skills needed to be on ISU teams, but that was not a problem. Anytime I wanted to play volleyball, my friends and I would go to the rec center and participate in pick up games. As far as partying goes, that depends on the idividual. I partied on weekends and some Wednesday's if my homework was done. My favorite place was Peoples. I also enjoyed a bar named Tazzles, and Cy's roost. Each was unique. I didn't worry about the social scene because I dated my high school sweetheart until my senior year of college. Then I met my husband while I was a committee member of VEISHEA.


I think that Iowa State has a plethora of activities and a fun social life. I love our campus town! I also think that, thanks to the Greek community, there are a lot more social activities and things to be involved in.


Students are very social at Iowa State and there are lots of activites for every kind of person


I think a lot depends on the mix of students you can find people that fall into every catagory...fall asleep at 9 to get up for 8 AM classes or fall asleep at 5 am and skip all your classes. The dating scene, fraternities, and parties all depend on individual's preferences.