Greek life is the best, but there are tons of other things to do!
I was involved in nutrition club for about a year. I am a member of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. the greek community here is pretty large and does a lot of activites during homecoming and Greek Week. Each chapter has a philanthropy. Our philanthropy is the largest greek philanthropy and the second largest one on campus, behind dance marathon. Events that happen each year are homecoming and VEISHA.
Intramurals are the most popular things to get involved in.
I think the social life is pretty typical of what one would imagine a college to be. People party a lot- greeks and non-greeks party the same. There are some activities available that don't involved drinking that are offered by the university. Greeks make up a small percentage of the total students, but the Greek system offers a lot of activities to its members.
For having a pretty small downtown Iowa State has a pretty happening social scene. Cool bars, sweet vendors on the streets at night, and restaurants open from Thursday to Sunday morning straight. There is usually a lot to do and a lot of people to meet. Living on campus is a must.
Iowa State is a very social campus. I get along with just about everyone I meet!
I am in a sorority at Iowa State and it is amazing. Sometimes it makes things stressful but in the long run, it's worth it. My best friend was in my recruitment group freshman year and that was how we met. Sororities are a great way to get involved both in your own chapter and the rest of the Greek community. Most non-greeks do not do nearly half the things we do.
VEISHEA is amazing. Granted there have been some issues with it this year and the wristbands but overall it is a great week. It is a great week to celebrate Iowa State and everyone that attends. The campus is packed with tents and music and the parade is really fun!
sororities and fraternities are the most popular and well known groups on campus, I am involved in a sorority. No one leaves their doors open in my dorm because we have suite styled dorms and so we have our own bathrooms, I dont know my neighbors. if i'm awake at 2am on a tuesday i am doing homework.
There is always something to do at Iowa State, you can always find atleast one activity you can do. Leaving dorm rooms open all depends on the person and the atmosphere that floor had, if you know everyone on the floor and are only gone briefly you may leave your door open, however if you have class all day you most likely would shut and lock your door. If you're awakeat 2 am on tuesday you are most likely frantically typing the paper due the next morning, study for an exam, or maybe if you have a late class you may be socializing such as watching a movie.