Iowa State University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I am Greek so to me it seems like most students are Greek but I know that is not true at all. It feels like a small community though. It breaks down the big campus. I lived in Eaton and that was a very closed off place. I know that MWL is a lot more social and people leave their doors open all the time and stuff.


Greek life is a big part of ISU. Some people like it, others hate it. I met my closest friends here, in my house. Dorm life was fun. In my dorm people left their doors open. I love my boyfriend and hanging out with him but sometimes it's hard to work a relationship, school and extra-curriculars in but with good time management it can be done.


I think that intramurals are very important on campus. I love that anyone can participate in intramurals. The only sports that I think get a lot of buzz on campus are football and basketball. If I'm awake on at 2am I'm usally chilling in a friend's room or on facebook. I love how Iowa State has the Campanile tradtion that at the stroke of midnight you can kiss your love under the Campanile. I don't think that being in a sorority is top notch at Iowa State. I feel that there are two separate worlds here. I feel that there is Greekland and then there is just the other college students. I think that being in a sorority or frat is something that people think is fun and cool but I don't think that it gives those who are in them higher rank than a regular student.


There is plenty to do!!!! I live in greek land and we are all very involved in activities on campus. Homecoming, Greek Week, Veishea, Varieties, community service are some examples of all the time that greek students spend on activities.


Greek Life ISU After Dark I met my closet friends through other friends (and in classes). Traditions include VEISHA, campanilling, the swans, and the zodiac Last weekend I studied, hung out with friends, made food.


When I lived in the dorms last year, I kept my door open most of the time. I loved getting visitors. I only closed it when I was trying to study for a test or do homework. Dating scene is good. I met my boyfriend here last year. I met my friends in the dorms or through friends of friends or through the sorority.


Being in a Sorority, activities and social life has been a big part of my college career. Not only do you get to meet many different people, you have so many opportunities to take leadership positions, raise money for great organizations, and help better the community in and around Iowa State University. Everyone is so friendly, and you can always find someone to hang out with at any time, even at 3 AM. I have had the chance to take leadership positions in my house to learn important leadership skills and to make decisions that affect every person in my house now and in the future. We are always informed of the happenings on campus, so I have greatly enjoyed my time helping out with causes such as Iowa State Dance Marathon and the Iowa State Blood Drive. I love my sorority, and I would not have had the opportunities I have taken without the support and love of my sisters.


I am Greek so that's what my social life mostly consists of. But it's great! Being Greek has lead me to meet some of the most amazing friends.


the football and basketball teams and hockey teams are popular. im in a sorority. greek life is pretty well known on campus. it depends on the dorm as to if the doors are open. football games are very popular and mens basketball is growing. some shows are popular...depends on the event. lots of people have a gf/bf. i meet my friends from my dorm, class, sorority, or a party. studying at 2am..veishea and homecoming are big events each year. people usually party thursday -saturday. greek life is a HUGE part of campus, they are involved in almost everything. i went out on thursday and friday to some parties, and then i hung out with friends on saturday. theres tons of things to do on saturday from movies to events sometimes sporting or just chilling...go out to eat too. i like to shop or go out to eat or to the movies off campus.


We have an amazing Greek system here at ISU with a huge number of students participating in it. I feel we are very active as a community on campus and participate in nearly everything that comes around. The sororities here do not at all reflect the common stereotypes that are held against them. I do believe that everyone could go greek and find a house that they fit in to perfectly.